Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Substance Abuse And Alcohol Dependence Syndrome - 999 Words
Alcohol is a major controversial topic in the world for as far back as 3000 B.C. Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Israelites used alcohol to extremes just as people of modern times currently use it. Conners (1992) references that in the ancient Greek world wine played a significant role. So much that it was reported that Dionysus, said to be the son of Zeus, shared the secret of making wine to the Greeks. Butcher, Hooley Mineka (2014) states â€Å"The World Health Organization no longer recommends the term alcoholism but prefers the term alcohol dependence syndrome.†Alcoholic and alcoholism are still terms consistently used in many publications and will be used in this paper. The abuse of alcohol baffles many and is the contribution to much dismay in society. Substance abuse is associated with dangerous behavior that is excessive even in the midst of social, psychological, occupational, or health related problems. People that abuse alcohol persistently become dependent on the substance and develop a need for increasing amounts to meet a physiological need. The abuse of alcohol usually leads to a need for increased amounts in order to gain the same effect. Tolerance to alcohol is common among those that suffer from alcohol dependence syndrome. Alcoholic dependence syndrome is described by the World Health Organization as â€Å"a state, psychic and usually also physical, resulting from taking alcohol, characterized by behavioral and other responses that always includeShow MoreRelatedDrug Addiction1081 Words  | 5 PagesDRUG ADDICTION DRUG: A chemical substance that alters the function of one or more body organs or the process of a disease. Drugs include prescribed medicines over the counter remedies and various other substances such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs of abuse that are used for non-medical purposes. 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