Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Substance Abuse And Alcohol Dependence Syndrome - 999 Words
Alcohol is a major controversial topic in the world for as far back as 3000 B.C. Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Israelites used alcohol to extremes just as people of modern times currently use it. Conners (1992) references that in the ancient Greek world wine played a significant role. So much that it was reported that Dionysus, said to be the son of Zeus, shared the secret of making wine to the Greeks. Butcher, Hooley Mineka (2014) states â€Å"The World Health Organization no longer recommends the term alcoholism but prefers the term alcohol dependence syndrome.†Alcoholic and alcoholism are still terms consistently used in many publications and will be used in this paper. The abuse of alcohol baffles many and is the contribution to much dismay in society. Substance abuse is associated with dangerous behavior that is excessive even in the midst of social, psychological, occupational, or health related problems. People that abuse alcohol persistently become dependent on the substance and develop a need for increasing amounts to meet a physiological need. The abuse of alcohol usually leads to a need for increased amounts in order to gain the same effect. Tolerance to alcohol is common among those that suffer from alcohol dependence syndrome. Alcoholic dependence syndrome is described by the World Health Organization as â€Å"a state, psychic and usually also physical, resulting from taking alcohol, characterized by behavioral and other responses that always includeShow MoreRelatedDrug Addiction1081 Words  | 5 PagesDRUG ADDICTION DRUG: A chemical substance that alters the function of one or more body organs or the process of a disease. Drugs include prescribed medicines over the counter remedies and various other substances such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs of abuse that are used for non-medical purposes. Drugs are substances other than food that affect the way your mind and body works (Al Robertson et al). DRUG ABUSE Drug abuse is definable mainly in terms of societal disapproval. It may involveRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcoholism On American Indians And Alaska1429 Words  | 6 Pagesaddiction to consumption of alcohol to a point where individuals become unable to live a normal and healthy live. â€Å"Excessive alcohol consumption is a leading preventable cause of death in the United States and has a greater health impact on American Indians and Alaska Native than on other racial groups†(Landen, M., Roeber, J., Naimi, T., Nielsen, L., Sewell, M., 2014). American Indians and Alaska Natives have the â€Å"highest rate of binge drinking (30.2%) and heavy alcohol use (8.5%) of all racialRead MorePsychological And Psychological Effects Of Drug Addiction Essay841 Words  | 4 Pagesis associated with them having a feeling of well-being. Psychological Dependence relates to an emotional need for a drug or substance that has no underlying physical need. An example, of psychological dependen ce would a person who stops smoking, but recovers physically in a short time. For an example of psychological dependence, one would look at the emotional need for nicotine, which is much more difficult to overcome. In the psychological stage of drug addiction, the users continually think theyRead MoreThe Role Of Antisocial And Borderline Personality Disorder928 Words  | 4 Pagescare: The role of antisocial/borderline personality disorder co-morbidity, substance dependence and severe childhood conduct disorder by Howard ET all it examines the relationship with ANTI SOICAL PERSONLITY DISORDER and criminally reoffending g after being released. The study the article talks about aims to test the relationship between ANTI SOICAL PERSONLITY DISORDER and its common co morbid disorders such as substance abuse borderline personality disorder and their chance to offend and reoffend.Read More alcohol Essay1576 Words  | 7 Pagesalcohol Substance abuse and addiction are major problems in society today. Every segment of society, regardless of race, gender, or age is affected. Some of the substances that are used grow naturally, where as others are manufactured illicitly or even legitimately in laboratories. They may be smoked, inhaled, ingested, or injected and used for social, religious, or self-medicating purposes. The substance that are abused include caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, steroids, stimulants, depressantsRead MoreAlcohol Abuse Within Native American Societies Essay1303 Words  | 6 PagesSubstance abuse is a topic most prefer not to discuss; it destroys lives, relationships and families all over the world. Native Americans seem to have suffered immensely by it. Since the coming of the Englishmen and the introduction of new knowledge and tools Native people have been trying to hold on to their own culture and their own way of life. Unfortunately with them came new items for consumption, alcohol was o ne of the main ingredients to the internal downfall of Native populations. NativeRead MoreA Short Note On Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, And Opioids1175 Words  | 5 Pages 2016 1. The four most commonly used substances as described from the course textbook are alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and opioids. Alcohol is a translucent liquid in appearance and has a bitter acquired taste which suppresses brain activity. The intake of alcohol effects the cerebral cortex by ceasing the inhibition of user and develops a relaxed and more social characteristic in the way the user interacts with others. As a depressant, the use of alcohol with its relaxing effect causes impairmentRead MoreSubstance Abuse During Pregnancy?952 Words  | 4 Pages Substance abuse during pregnancy can range in variation from prescription drugs to non-prescription drugs to even alcohol. Substance abuse is more common during pregnancy than most people realize. This type of abuse is more common amongst pregnant women. Most the time substance abuse is hard to find in women. Pregnant women who go through substance abuse usually don’t seek any medical help. If an expecting mother uses any kind of drug it can result in many complications. Some complications thatRead MoreSubstance Use Disorder Within Mental Health Patients1297 Words  | 6 PagesSubstance use disorder in mental health patients poses a major concern to clinicians in psychiatry. The disorder generally is associated with an underlying mental health condition(s), however, there are multiple theories suggesting psychological to neurological and probably multifactorial etiological profile. Substance abuse and substance dependence which are the former terms that were used to define one with the disorder has been grouped into a set category of substance use disorder by the 2013Read MoreEssay on Substance Abuse Effects on Children1052 Words  | 5 Pagesaffected by the effects of substance abuse/addiction. Additionally, it will seek to describe a comprehensive model for treating this population. The mission would be to eliminate the devastating impact of substance abuse on those affected: chemically dependent individuals, those with a history of substance abuse/misuse, families/children and communities. The goal is to achieve and sustain abstinence for those addicted to alcohol and other substances in order for them to develop
Monday, December 23, 2019
Sleep Is Essential For Survival - 1925 Words
What Is Sleep and Why Is It So Important In Our Lives Rene Compean II Scientist are starting to understand how sleep affects us in many ways, they include; our daily functioning, physical, and mental health. There are usually five stages of sleep. They are referred to stage 1, 2, 3, and 4. The last step is rapid eye movement or REM. There are certain neurotransmitters in the brain that affect sleep. Food and medicines are also things that can affect sleep. Sleep is essential for survival. For instance, a study showed that while rats usually live for two to three years, those deprived of REM sleep live only about 5 weeks on average, and rats deprived of all sleep stages live only about 3 weeks. Lack of sleep can raise levels of free fatty acids in the blood, accompanied by temporary pre-diabetic conditions in healthy young men. Studies have shown when people are tired that they may also find that they are most forgetful and unfocused. A study in the journal Sleep found men who got less than six hours of sleep a night were four times more likely to di e over a 14-year period. A number of nights of too little sleep can lead to more than 700 genetic changes that could significantly affect your health. Introduction Scientist are starting to understand how sleep affects us in many ways, they include; our daily functioning, physical, and mental health. (Stein 2005) A group of chemicals called neurotransmitters control whether we are asleep or awake. They do this by acting onShow MoreRelatedIf This Is a Man by Primo Levi, Survival in Auschwitz Essay1118 Words  | 5 Pagescontained by the barbed wires of the concentration camps. Inside the camps, inmates were not dealt like human beings and thus abided by animal-like actions needed to subsist. In his autobiographical novel Se questo à ¨ un uomo (If This Is a Man or Survival in Auschwitz), the â€Å"ordinary moral world†(86), as Primo Levi calls it, stops to persist. The definition and usage of words such as â€Å"just,†â€Å"unjust,†â€Å"good,†and â€Å"evil†start out to merge and the disagreement between these opposites turn vague. ContinuedRead MorePutting the Insomniac to Sleep655 Words  | 3 Pa gesWe all need sleep to survive. We sleep to rest our weary bodies after a physical day of labor. We sleep to recover from a mentally challenged day. We sleep because it is necessary for our survival as human beings. Growing up I have always heard that we all need at least 8 hours of sleep to function properly the following morning. However, it has been researched that if your normal sleep habit falls between 5 to 7 and you wake refreshed and rested the following morning, this is perfectly fine. NormallyRead MoreJoekie Annemarie Henriet Kaemingk . Dr. Mangan. English1576 Words  | 7 PagesComradeship is the only thing for Paul and his comrades that help the men endure their unendurable conditions. In his World War I novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque focuses on the struggles vital to soldiers physical and mental survival through the use of characterization revealing strong fellowship and friendship among the main character and narrator, Paul and his com rades, as they struggle to survive the horrors of trench warfare. The struggles that the soldiers had to endureRead MoreHow Lack of Sleep Affects the Human Body Essay829 Words  | 4 PagesWritten Assignment #1 Sleep is as essential to the body as the food we eat, the air we breathe, and water we drink, it’s a vital necessity for human survival. Due to our spending 1/3 of our life sleeping, more than anything else, clearly indicates the importance of sleep to the human body. A good night’s sleep helps to restore energy you expend during the day, the brain is actively working while you sleep to create new pathways for areas such as learning, memories and new insights, helps yourRead MoreBowlbys Theory Of Attachment1378 Words  | 6 Pageschildren are biologically pre-programmed to form relationships and attachments with others before they are even born for survival and that the fear of strangers in babies and young children represents an important survival mechanism, built in by nature. Bowlby used part of Lorenz’s (1935) study that shows that attachment is innate in young ducklings and therefore has survival value. Bowlby therefore uses this to back up his own the ory about attachment in children and babies. The importance of attachmentRead MoreWhy Do We Need Sleep?1713 Words  | 7 PagesWhy Do We Need Sleep? Typed By: Miracle Taylor Regulating sleep is something our bodies do that is as natural as eating, drinking, and breathing. This implies that sleeping serves a similar role in our health and well being. Even though it is difficult to answer the question â€Å"Why do we need sleep?†scientists have developed several theories that may explain why we spend a third of our lives sleeping. Comprehending these theories can help expand our appreciation of the functionRead MoreWhat Is 6-03 A. Me Essay1418 Words  | 6 Pageshave to do. Survive and wait for help to come looking for me unless I manage to find my way out. My daypack only carried two items, waterproof matches and a small knife. On me, were a pair of waterproof boots, cargos, and a sweatshirt. My chances of survival were low, until I ran into a tent. A Bow with 5 durable arrows, a battery heated waterproof jacket, and a GRAYL water bottle were in plain sight. These six ideal items are all I need, nothing less and nothing more, to survive in Aokigahara. Read MoreSleep Is Essential For Human Health911 Words  | 4 Pageskingdom to humans. All of them need to sleep as a need for food, it is a necessity for life. Sleep is important and necessary for human health and its ability to engage in intellectual activity and mental fitness. Everyone needs to sleep, one of the basics of life. Humans spend almost half of lifetime sleeping and then have to know how to keep the body in a good sleeping time. Many of the physical problems can interfere with the ability to fall or stay asleep. Sleep is important; because it helps humanRead MoreWhy Is Sleeping Important?858 Words  | 4 Pagesto rest, starting from the animal kingdom to humans. Just like food, sleep is a necessity of life. Sleep is important and necessary for the body’s health and the mind’s ability to engage in intellectual activity and mental fitness. Since humans spend almost half of their lifetime sleeping, they should know how to sleep right. Many physical pro blems may interfere people’s ability to fall or stay asleep. It is important to sleep well because that helps to boost memory, be active, reduce chronic inflammationsRead MoreThe Purpose Of This Research Is To Prove The Usefulness1371 Words  | 6 Pagesinclude things like, food, water, sex, and sleep. Security in the workplace, within one’s family, health and property are all essential safety needs. Intimate relationships and friendships are all factors of love/belonging needs, and the Self-fulfilment tier is ignited by reaching one’s full potential. Maslow (1943) stated that people are motivated to achieve certain needs and that some needs take precedence over others. Our most basic need is for physical survival, and this will be the first thing that
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Animism Free Essays
The term â€Å"animism†is defined as the belief of a life-force existing within non-human forms. In other words, according the this idea, non-human forms such as thunder, rocks and trees are possessed by spirits and souls. The term, first developed as â€Å"animismus†by chemist/physicist Georg Ernst Stahl in 1832, defined as the â€Å"doctrine that animal life is produced by an immaterial soul†, was reintroduced in 1871 by English anthropologist Sir Edward Burnett Taylor to be defined as the â€Å"theory of the universal animation of nature†. We will write a custom essay sample on Animism or any similar topic only for you Order Now The mass majority of animistic belief systems holds that the soul within the non-human form will be able to survive physical death. It is believed in some systems that the soul must journey to pass through to an easier world. In other systems, it is said that the soul would remain on earth as a ghost. There are also situations where it would return to earth in order to avenge its death. If murdered, the spirit would either assist in discovering the identity of its murderer or wreak vengeance for itself. A widespread belief of those who die a violent death is that the soul would become a dangerous spirit and endanger the lives of those who approach the haunted area of the its death. In literature, animism is most often used in mythology and folklore. The myths and folklore generally contain a magical or spiritual sense to the story. An example would be of the tale of the Pontianak. The Pontianak is a type of vampire in Malay folklore and Indonesian mythology. It is said that a woman who has died during childbirth becomes undead, seeking revenge and terrorizes villages. The use of animism is applied because the Pontianak is not human and has a spirit within. Many Urarina myths apply animism into their myths by portraying plants, inanimate objects, and animals as personal beings. An example would be of a Urarina deluge-myth, a myth of a great flood sent by a deity to destroy civilization as a punishment. It is said that a man had saved himself from the flood by climbing a tree. The man’s wife had transformed into a termites’ nest and was clinging onto the tree and their two sons had transformed into birds. Though the man’s wife and sons are not in their human bodies anymore, their souls are still intact within their new form. Therefore, this myth applies the use of animism. How to cite Animism, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Critical Thinking in Higher Education-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Compare the two articles. You should Compare and Contrast various ideas expressed in the articles and evaluate which article is more relevant or helpful to understanding the essay topic. Answer: The two chosen articles that are relevant to the topic and can be used in the essay are: Bahr, N. (2010). Thinking critically about critical thinking in higher education.International journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,4(2), The article states that the thinking about the concept of higher education is not properly understood as the perception of every student is different about higher education. They have different view about the classrooms of the university, environment, professors, students, faculties, education system and about the overall university life (digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu). This article studies the students insight of critical thinking in an Australian university and this article highlights the difference of thinking between the students and the staffs. The way of critical thinking of the students and the staffs changes the attribute of the student as a graduate and that of the staff as a guide. However, this article also says that the students to some extent share the similar definition about the critical thinking in spite of having different thoughts about critical thinking in higher education. The allusions about critical thinking is that this is the desire to try to find new thi ngs, the patience in spite of having doubts, the affection to meditate and the tardiness to assert things and the steadiness to consider the new environment and the carefulness of the students to set in the order of the university. This article also highlights the point that critical thinking is gaining attention in the universities and is a key element for almost every university. Critical thinking is important part of education for the schools and the definition of successful learners is partially related to the critical thinking. The definition of a successful learner is a student who has the power to think deeply, evaluate the evidences in organised manner because of learning in a disciplined way. Duron, R., Limbach, B., Waugh, W. (2006). Critical thinking framework for any discipline.International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education,17(2), 160-166. In the second article, thinking is marked to be a natural activity but it is often biased, partial or prejudiced. However, critical thinking is known as the ability by which a student analyses and evaluates information. The students who are critical thinkers often initiate various questions on higher education and pursue different point of view about the university and its related things. Critical thinking is very important as it is needed in the university and helps the students deal with the questions that arise in them and to understand people and avoid problems. Critical thinking of any student about higher education is dependent on the teachers, the environment and the practices of development. This article states that there are various stages, which initiate the critical thinking concept in the students. Those are to determine the objectives of learning, teaching by use of questions, practising of the students before the promoting the learning, monitoring of the review of the s tudents and improving them. After the improvement is done, providing the students to opportunity to have their own self assessment so that the students can be able to determine their own skills and critically think over it and finally target the students with critical thinking in higher education to determine the objectives. In the conclusion it can be said that, both the articles are based on the critical thinking about the matter of higher education. The feedback of the student is very important because the students have to think very critically to give a proper feedback. They have to think about the overall learning objectives and then provide the feedback and this will give them the idea of critical thinking and introduce in them various question which they will clarify themselves. The disciplined and organised learning that the students have also constructs critical thinking in the students and the students then needs to listen more than just to learn. So it can be said that the critical thinking is the process of preparing a concept, evaluating the information and then recasting the improved form of thinking.
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