Thursday, October 31, 2019
Assignment3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Assignment3 - Essay Example Further, the topic would be explored in the following ways: (1) relating the topic in terms of relating it to the course readings; (2) determining how does the article reflect an aspect of coupling as described in your course materials; (3) stipulating specific ways the article encouraged one to take a closer look at topics covered in the course; and (4) comparing and contrasting findings or points made in the article and readings. The author averred that the issue of cohabitation has drastically changed over a period of six decades. It was previously perceived as a deviant act during the 1950s and 1960s. Slowly, this practice was accepted as a practice prelude to marriage. Several factors contributed to the change in perception on cohabitation, to wit: (1) reduced pressure on cohabiting couples to eventually marry; (2) changing views on expectations to marry depending on age, status, and duration of relationship; (3) perceived problems in relationships; (4) ultimate marriage goals. Contemporary trends show a marked prevalence and increase in cohabitation rather than marriage. According to Qu, â€Å"while cohabitation was largely a stepping stone to marriage for earlier generations, more recent generations of cohabitors are less likely to marry and more likely to separate than cohabitors of earlier generations†(2003, 36). However, it is interesting to note that despite the prevalence of cohabitation in today’s generation; the basic premise for its proliferation remains the same: couples opting to cohabit eventually hope or expect to get married sometime in the future. The article confirmed the lessons relayed especially during the discussion of the topic on Sex and the Emergence of Sexual Identities. The lessons indicated that â€Å"changes in sexual activity and attitudes have weakened the role of marriage as the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Important Things in University Life Essay Example for Free
Important Things in University Life Essay It has already passed almost one year since I entered Kasetsart University. Now, I think that it is good for me to talk about something important in university life. I want to focus on an aspect this time. It is also relevant to my aim which I had had when I entered this university. It is the language study. I am majoring in faculty of Engineering, so almost of my friends are not good in English subject. But fortunately that in secondary school I was studied in English program school, so my English was slightly better than almost of my friends. In the first semester I did not have an English class because of my o-net score is more than the standard of foundation English two, so I was passed to study foundation English three. Many of my friends told me that they don’t like English subject. It’s naturally common in engineering student. But I think the second language such as English is very important in our everyday life. In the future when we have to work or have to communicate with the foreigner, the person who have better skills in English will get more chance and gain more advantage to those who have lower skills. So, I always pay attention to every detail in English class and always practice my English skills every time I can because of the reason I told before. In conclusion, I want to say that English subject is very important in University life and extremely important in the future life. One reason is because of the AEC or Asean Economic Community that allows the foreigner to get a job in our country and allow us to get a job at other countries. So, English skills will help us deal with the foreigner, help us have a chance to get a good job and even help us have a good future.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Importance Of Language In The World English Language Essay
The Importance Of Language In The World English Language Essay Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes. Language is a vital tool for communication. It is not only a means of communicating thoughts and ideas, but it builds friendships, economic relationships and cultural ties. We can communicate only with signs without language. More over a language distinguishes the differences and also celebrates the uniqueness of cultures in a country or in a region or in a community. A Language shapes the way people perceive the world and it also helps to define culture of any society. Any language is a gift the knowledge of more than one language makes a man more efficient and skilful in many ways. It opens our minds and guides us into a magical world of fancies and dreams. To certain the proper learning of language helps us to develop ourselves, our minds, and also our personality. Human language is unique because it is a symbolic communication system that is learned instead of biologically inherited for some people. Functions of Language: The three important functions of a language are as follows: Informative function: The primary function of a language is to communicate any information. This function accepts or denies assumptions such as the scientific fact or the factual statements. This function helps us to state the logical facts clearly. Expressive Function: The secondary function of a language is to convey the feelings or emotions or attitudes of somebody. We have poetry and other forms of literature in order to express our inner feelings in a better way. They evoke our feelings and also express our feelings. Directive Function: This function of language directs us to do some action. We come across directive function in requests and commands. Hence it is proved that language plays a important role in different walks of life. 1.1.2 Importance of English: English has been the considered to be the first global Lingua Franca. In todays modern world the English language has become part and parcel of every existing field. It has been an international language of communication, business, science, information technology, entertainment and so on. Earlier everyone is considered to be literate by their degrees and diplomas, but the knowledge of English language makes an individual literate in todays world. Though many countries do have English as their native language, those who have the command over the English Language are considered and respected as highly educated. Moreover they ocean of career opportunities are opened to those English speaking people anywhere and everywhere. It has become the working of English and also an inevitable requirement for a number of fields, professions such as computing and medicine. In todays world of globalization, we have to get knowledge of advanced technologies and all kinds of branches of Science. There is an urgent requirement of such a common language which can be understood by youth all over India and the language in which all data and information is available. Moreover English language becomes a store house of social and political knowledge. The most recent and the most sophisticated discoveries and inventions in science and technology are being made in the universities located in the United States of America where English language is the means of scientific discourse. The world of today needs English for some of the following reasons: Internet: Due to the rapid growth of Information Technology especially the world of internet, English Language rules users of Internet. We cannot be effective in the internet world without the English Language. It has also become the official language of the internet. The advent of online universities has now made it possible for everyone to learn English. Everyone gets access to the features of internet even across the countries. The Internet has opened up new career opportunities for every citizen of the world outside their respective countries. Internet has also plays a vital to promote and to spread the English language throughout the globe and more and more people are exposed to the English language and the English has become also the language of the internet as well. Education: The field of education has amplified the function of English Language. Most of the educational resources, materials and books are in English. The global educational systems in the universities around the world have the requirement of English Language. People those who study in abroad use English language as a medium of communication and learning. The lack of English knowledge makes anyone insufficient in the realm of education in todays world. Communication: The most important function of a language is to communicate properly. Hence English language also plays a powerful tool in communication. In order to communicate successfully, one needs a language that is commonly understood by most of the people in the speech community. For many years, English has become the common language globally understood and appreciated by nearly everyone. In other words English becomes an effective instrument to communicate with everyone around the world. Information technology uses this ability of English to function well in the field of communication by internet and emails. Travel: English is spoken around the globe next to Mandarin Chinese. It has been stated that out of the nearly six billion people living in the world today around three hundred and fifty million do speak English. It has become the International Business Language. Many countries around the world make use of English Language for the governance. The relationship among the countries around the world is enhanced by the effective communication in English. Language differs from nation to nation. When we travel around the globe, the English Language becomes the rescue factor to communicate with everyone. Business: English language has been the language of business in todays electronic world. A good number of companies have ventured into sending the production to overseas in order to cut down their costs. In other words, the companies around the world are in to outsourcing and off-shoring business. In order to communicate with the business people of other countries, English Language becomes the effective tool. It is the trading language of the world to a certain extend. A sound knowledge of English Language makes an individual to be a successful business man around the world. 1.1.3 English Language in India When the British started ruling India, they searched for educated Indian mediators who could help them to administer India. The British Government turned to high caste Indians to work for them. Many high caste Indians, especially the Brahmans and the other people of high caste worked for them. The British policy was to create an Indian class who should think like the British. It was said then in England Indians in blood and color but English in taste, in opinions and morals and intellect. The English also instituted in India universities based on English models with emphasis on English. These Indians also obtained their education in British universities. The English Christian missionaries arrived in India from 1813 and they also established schools at primary level for Indians in which the language of instruction was local language and also they taught English. After that the missionaries established high schools with English as the language of instruction which gratified the Indians who wanted to study to have a sound knowledge of English Language. The British rulers started building their universities in India from 1857. English turned to be the first language in Indian education. The modern leaders of that age in India also substantiated English language and stated it to be the main mean towards victory. Indians who knew good English were considered as the new elite of India. Many new schools were set up in which the language of instruction was English. According to the British government laws the language of instruction at university level was English and therefore schools that stressed English were chosen by ambitious Indians. Even after the independence of India, English continued to be the foremost language of India. Officially English language was given a status of an assistant language and was supposed to cease officially after 15 years of Indias independence, but it still continues to be the significant language of India. Even today the schools in India that give importance to English are considered better schools and the same is the case at university levels, even though there is a tendency towards Indianization. For a good number of students, English is their first language and it is easier for them to communicate, read and write in English than in Indian languages, including their mother tongues. In the 1970s and 1980s about one third of the Indian schools emphasized English as their first language. We do have many Indians becoming more and more famous in the English Language and in the English Literature. They have also won a good number of International awards for their knowledge and the mastery in English. One most famous among them is Arundati Roy, who won the prestigious Booker Prize for her novel The God of small things. English has become the language of the latest business management in the world and Indian proficiency in English has brought glory to many Indian business managers. English is a means not only for international commerce; it has become increasingly essential for inter-state commerce and communication. 1.1.4. First year college students and their standard of English: The first year college students of India especially of Tamilnadu come from different medium of higher secondary such as English, Angelo Indian, Tamil, State Board, CBSE and other vernacular medium. Invariably the standard of the English of these students vary significantly. Most of them jump into the college life suddenly without having sufficient knowledge of English language. Though there have been English as a subject in the educational system for nearly ten years in the school life, their knowledge of English is very poor and insufficient. They do struggle in many ways to cope up with the College studies and they are disappointed. Many of them feel inferior and also do not put any effort to improve their standard of English language. Only very few of them come out of their nest and shed their tears to learn and to improve English. The causes for this condition of the students vary from individual to individual. Every student with insufficient knowledge of English so many things t o share about it. Hence this study about the first year college going to students of Tamilnadu with a special reference to their standard of English, attempts to explore the hidden and unsolved problems in a significant manner. 1.1.5 Reasons for choosing this topic for my research? After interacting and relating with the first college students all over Tamilnadu, I do feel and understand the struggles they undergo with regard English Language. Most of the subjects are in English and also the medium of instruction is English. They become inferior and also they do not find the way to improve their standard of English in order to cope up with the new academic life. Hence I have made this study to help them out in my own way. 1.1.6 Aim of My Study My study thus attempts to render solutions to the problems faced by the students with special reference to English Language learning and communication. Though this study will not remove all the hurdles faced by the first year college going students, it will create an awareness to improve their standard. My study will also uncover all the hidden problems of them and show the reality without any prejudice. As future teachers and professors, we will understand our students in a better and help them out to walk towards the path of success.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Richard Connells The Most Dangerous Game Essay -- Richard Connell Mos
Richard Connell's The Most Dangerous Game In Richard Connell's short story, "The Most Dangerous Game';, the use of literary devices, found blended with other literary devices, gives the story an inner meaning. The blending of literary devices effectively expresses the intentions of Connell to present contrast between the antagonist and protagonist points of view. As a result, the reader can gain insight on the good and evil sides of the story to enhance the purpose of his interpretation. "The Most Dangerous Game'; by Richard Connell presents literary devices such as foreshadowing, setting, and irony which reveal the underlying meaning of the story. Â Â Â Â Â Connell's use of foreshadowing creates an atmosphere of mystery and a hesitant feeling of not knowing what events will occur. For instance, Zaroff "has ceased [hunting]'; because all the animals "had become too easy'; to chase; but one animal has a certain characteristic of being "able to reason'; which rekindles his passion for the thrill of the hunt (68). The vague statement at which Zaroff makes at Rainsford obviously hints toward humans as being the animal of reason because referring to the statement Rainsford makes in the early stages of the story, he asserts that animals do not feel or think. Now that Rainsford conceives the idea that Zaroff hunts humans, it provides Rainsford with a frustrating mental reaction of fear and anger because Zaroff openly declares that he poaches humans for amusement and yet Rainsford feels the anxiety of dying in his sick game. Equally important, while Zaroff hunts strategically, "[his] brain against [Rainsford]'; (71), "it sent a shudder of cold horror'; in the flowing veins of Rainsford because of the fear that he will "lose [his] nerve'; (73). Immediately, when Rainsford enters the repulsive jungle, he knows that the strategy for staying alive becomes not only physically, but by remaining mentally strong and not losing his nerves. For this reason, by staying on objective and visualizing his goal of achieving victory over Zaroff; Rainsford will not have to worry about weakness from hunger because he will be full of hope and optimism for the rest of his life. Connell utilizes foreshadowing in a way that other authors do not compare because when he uses an event that contains foreshadowing, he does not state it candidly but blends foreshadowing into story like the ... ...ting, and irony essential to the effect of the story, Connell utilizes his command of these literary devices to relate to the everyday life of the reader. Throughout the story, Zaroff exclaims that when he murders animals, it does not excite him which leads him to kill humans. The wrongful action which Zaroff commits demonstrates the way the world behaves today, specifically the hunting world. For this reason in the hunting world of today, people kill animals for either game or for enjoyment; but what perverse mind enjoys that slaughter of creatures? The violence of today exists all around where people call home or gather to socialize with other people. For example, when people leave their home to watch movies; people mostly watch violent or action movies for their exciting content. As soon as the movie ends, people come away from the theater with sadistic images which begins the desensitization from violence. The world today must recognize this event that happens to often to the population of the world today because when people view violent movies frequently and feel nothing, people become like Zaroff and kill animals or people because movies do not provide enough exhilaration.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Six Sigma Class Intro and Ppt
INTRODUCTION TO SIX SIGMA CONTENT FLOW†¦ ? Understanding Six Sigma ? Definition ? World at Six Sigma examples ? Six Sigma Scale ? Why Six Sigma ? Six Sigma Methodologies & Tools ? Define ? Measure ? Analyze ? Improve ? Control WHAT’S IN A NAME? Sigma is the Greek letter representing the standard deviation of a population of data. ? Sigma is a measure of standard deviation (the data spread) ? ? ? SIX SIGMA IS †¦ ? A statistical concept that measures a process in terms of defects – at the six sigma level, there 3. 4 defects per million opportunities ?A defect is anything that results in customer dissatisfaction Six Sigma is a methodology and a symbol of quality ? HOW OFTEN ARE WE DELIVERING ON TIME? ? If the target time is 30 Mins, the graphs below show two curves with average at 25 Mins 30 mins 30 mins s s 0 10 x 30 2 sigma 20 40 50 0 10 20 x 30 4 sigma 40 50 ? ? How many standard deviations can you â€Å"fit†within customer expectations? Managing by th e average doesn’t tell the whole story. The average and the variation together show what’s happening. MANAGING UP THE SIGMA SCALE Sigma 1 2 3 4 5 6 % Good % Bad 30. 9% 69. % 93. 3% DPMO 691,462 308,538 66,807 69. 1% 30. 9% 6. 7% 99. 38% 99. 977% 0. 62% 0. 023% 6,210 233 3. 4 99. 9997% 0. 00034% EXAMPLES OF THE SIGMA SCALE In a world at 3 sigma. . . ? In a world at 6 sigma. . . ? There are 964 U. S. flight cancellations per day. The police make 7 false arrests every 4 minutes. 1 U. S. flight is cancelled every 3 weeks. There are fewer than 4 false arrests per month. ? ? ? In one hour, 47,283 international long distance calls are accidentally disconnected. ? It would take more than 2 years to see the same number of dropped international calls.WHY SIX SIGMA? †¢ At GE, Six Sigma added more than $ 2 billion to the bottom line in 1999 alone †¢ Motorola saved more than $ 15 billion in the first 10 years of its Six Sigma effort AlliedSignal reports saving $ 1,5 billi on through Six Sigma. †¢ †¢ Six Sigma is about practices that help you eliminate defects and always deliver products and services that meet customer specifications How are these savings realized? cost of scrap? cost of rework? cost of excessive cycle times and delays? Benefits of added capacity and man-hoursDMAIC – THE IMPROVEMENT METHODOLOGY Define Objective: DEFINE the opportunity Measure Analyze Improve Control Objective: Objective: Objective: MEASURE current ANALYZE the root IMPROVE the performance causes of problems process to eliminate root causes Key Measure Tools: †¢ Critical to Quality Requirements (CTQs) †¢ Sample Plan †¢ Capability Analysis †¢ Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) Key Analyze Tools: †¢ Histograms, Boxplots, MultiVari Charts, etc. †¢ Hypothesis Tests †¢ Regression Analysis Objective: CONTROL the process to sustain the gains.Key Define Tools: †¢ Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) †¢ Voice of the Stak eholder (VOS) †¢ Project Charter †¢ As-Is Process Map(s) †¢ Primary Metric (Y) Key Improve Key Control Tools: Tools: †¢ Solution Selection †¢ Control Charts Matrix †¢ Contingency †¢ To-Be Process and/or Action Map(s) Plan(s) DEFINE – DMAIC PROJECT WHAT IS THE PROJECT? $ Project Charter Cost of Poor Quality Stakeholders Voice of the Stakeholde r Six Sigma What is the problem? The â€Å"problem†is the Output ? What is the cost of this problem ? Who are the stake holders / decision makers ?Align resources and expectations ? DEFINE – CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS WHAT ARE THE CTQS? WHAT MOTIVATES CUSTOMER? SECONDARY RESEARCH Market Data THE Voice of the Customer Key Customer Issue Critical to Quality Listening Posts Industry Intel Industry Benchmarking Customer Service Customer Correspondence PRIMARY RESEARCH Survey s OTM Observations Focus Groups MEASURE – BASELINES AND CAPABILITY WHAT IS OUR CURRENT LEVEL Sample some data / not a ll data Current Process actuals measured against the Customer expectation OF PERFORMANCE?Descriptive Statistics Variable: 2003 Output Anderson-Darling Normality Test A-Squared: P-Value: Mean StDev Variance Skewness Kurtosis N Minimum 1st Quartile Median 3rd Quartile Maximum 0. 211 0. 854 23. 1692 10. 2152 104. 349 0. 238483 0. 240771 100 0. 2156 16. 4134 23. 1475 29. 6100 55. 2907 ? ? ? What is the chance that we will succeed at this level every time? 0 10 20 30 40 50 95% Confidence Interval for Mu 95% Confidence Interval for Mu 21. 1423 19. 5 20. 5 21. 5 22. 5 23. 5 24. 5 25. 5 26. 5 25. 1961 95% Confidence Interval for Sigma 8. 690 11. 8667 95% Confidence Interval for Median 95% Confidence Interval for Median 19. 7313 26. 0572 ANALYZE – VALIDATED ROOT CAUSES WHAT ARE THE KEY ROOT CAUSES? Experimental Design Data Stratification Regression Analysis Process Simulatio n Six Sigma y = f (x1, x2, x3 . . . xn) Critical Xs IMPROVE – POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS HOW CAN WE ADDRESS THE ROOT CAUSES IDENTIFIED? ? WE Address the causes, not the symptoms. Generate Evaluate Clarify Decision y = f (x1, x2, x3 . . . xn) Critical Xs Divergent | Convergent IMPROVE – SOLUTION SELECTIONHOW DO WE CHOOSE THE BEST SOLUTION? Solution Selection Matrix Qualit y Solution Sigma Time CBA Other Score Time Cost Six Sigma Solution Right Wrong Implementation Good Bad O Nice Idea Nice Try X Solution Implementatio n Plan CONTROL – SUSTAINABLE BENEFITS HOW DO WE †HOLD THE GAINS†OF OUR NEW PROCESS? ? ? Some variation is normal and OK How High and Low can an â€Å"X†go yet not materially impact the â€Å"Y†Pre-plan approach for control exceptions Direct Process Customer: CCR: Date: Measuring and Monitoring Loan Service Manager ? Process Owner: Process Description:Process Control System (Business Process Framework) Flowchart Customer Sales Processing Branch Manager Key Measure ments P1 – activity duration, min. Specs &/or Targets Measures (Too ls) Responsibility Contingency Where & (Who) (Quick Fix) Frequency 35 Remarks UCL=33. 48 Review appliation for completeness P2 – # of incomplete loan applications Individual Value Apply for loan 1. 1 Application & Review 25 Complete meeting information Mean=24. 35 No Application Complete? 1. 2 Processing 1. 3 Credit review 15 0 10 20 30 LCL=15. 21 1. 5 Disclosure 1. 4 Review Observation Number
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Determinants of Consumer Price Index in Indonesia
[pic] THE DETERMINANTS OF CONSUMER PRICE INDEX IN INDONESIA Instructor DR. Moussa Larbani Prepared By Ali Faris(G0912449) Imala Hussain(G0822498) Ma Yue(G0918271) Mia Fathia(G0827756) Nurma Saleah(G0912298) Suthinee Suayngam(G0916798) Ulfah Hidayatun(G0815892) ECON 6030 ADVANCE QUANTITATIVE METHOD Term Paper Kulliyah of Economics and Management Sciences Department of Business Administration 2009/2010 Abstract The most well known and widely quoted economic indicator is the CPI (Consumer Price Index).It represents an estimation of the change in prices of consumer goods and services. Generally, it represents a measurement of our expenses on goods and services we use to meet our day-to-day needs. Severe problems to the overall economy can be caused if the prices of consumer goods and services are abruptly changed. This paper attempts to examine the factors that influence the Consumer Price Index. We observe four variables, namely, money supply, gross domestic product, interest rate, and share price.By utilizing quarterly data from 1996 to 2008, this study applies multiple regressions method to find the best model and factors which can explain Consumer Price Index. The result indicates gross domestic product, interest rate, and stock price significant effect to consumer price index, whereas money supply does not have significant effect. This study also finds that the highest Adjusted R2 as goodness criteria of the model is derived when we include all the factors in the model.Hence, we can conclude that those factors have either strong or weak contribution to consumer price index. Keyword: Consumer Price Index, 1. INTRODUCTION From the beginning of civilization, tribes, countries and nations have always been looking for ways to attain prosperity and growth so as to improve the standard of living for their own people. From the times of Caesar to leaders of today such as John F. Keneddy, things haven’t changed much. To attain prosperity one of the most important things is to maintain a healthy economy.However there are many factors that threaten a healthy economy such as inflation, economic recessions and many other factors. Despite all these threats and inevitable slumps and declines in economy, an economy can be monitored and as such Consumer Price Index is one of the most important economic indicators. Using consumer pricing index, the health of the economy can be in check and the state can take necessary preventive measures otherwise not taken could lead to devastating effects in the form of high unemployment, bankruptcies, major financial losses etc.The CPI is a fixed-basket price index as it represents the price of a constant quantities basket of goods and services purchased by the average consumer. CPI is one of the most frequently used statistics for identifying periods of inflation or deflation. This is because large rises in CPI during a short period of time typically denote periods of inflation and large drops in CPI du ring a short period of time usually mark periods of deflation. It is compiled by the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics.In order to get the final result for the CPI, wide researches of the prices of the included in the consumer basket goods and services are made. Then they are entered into a special computer program that makes the calculations. The importance of CPI is viewed in the fact that the estimations of other products, services and benefits are directly linked to the levels of the CPI. For example, if the CPI experiences an increase in its value, then the Social Securities benefits will rise as well. Other things that are directly linked to CPI include: †¢ Wages †¢ Lease agreements Union contracts †¢ Benefit statements and etc. Severe problems to the overall economy can be caused if the prices of consumer goods and services are abruptly changed. Most people associate the concept of CPI with inflation. An increase in the value of the CPI means that an increase in inflation has been observed. When inflation increases the purchasing power of money is lost and people will change their spending habits as they meet their purchasing thresholds and producers will suffer and be forced to cut output. This can be readily tied to higher unemployment rates.The whole economy falls into a recession. The objective of this paper is to find a linear regression model that will accurately estimate the consumer pricing index of Indonesia by using the following independent variables, 1) money supply, 2) Gross domestic product, 3) interest rates and 4) stock prices. In economics, money supply is the total amount of money available in an economy at a particular point in time. There are several ways to define â€Å"money†, but standard measures usually include currency in circulation and demand deposits.The gross domestic product (GDP) or gross domestic income (GDI) is a basic measure of a country's economic performance and is the m arket value of all final goods and services made within the borders of a country in a year. It is a fundamental measurement of production and is very often positively correlated with the standard of living. An interest rate is the price a borrower pays for the use of money they do not own, for instance a small company might borrow from a bank to kick start their business, and the return a lender receives for deferring the use of funds, by lending it to the borrower.Interest rates are normally expressed as a percentage rate over the period of one year. Stock Price in this paper is referred to as Stock Market index which is based on a statistical compilation of the share prices of a number of representative stocks. We observe four variables namely, money supply, gross domestic product, interest rate, and stock price. By utilizing quarterly data from 1996 to 2008, this study applies multiple regressions method to find the best model and factors which can explain Consumer Price Index (S ee appendix 1 and 2). 2. METHODOLOGY 2. 1Bivariate Pearson CorrelationPearson [pic]is typically used to describe the strength of the linear relationship between two quantitative variables. Often, these two variables are designated [pic](predictor) and [pic](outcome). Pearson [pic] has values that range from -1. 00 to +1. 00. The sign of [pic]provides information about the direction of the relationship between [pic] and [pic]. A positive correlation indicates that as scores on [pic] increase, scores on [pic]also tend to increase; a negative correlation indicates that as scores on [pic] increase, scores on [pic]neither increase nor decrease in a linear manner.The absolute magnitude of Pearson [pic] provides information about the strength of the linear association between scores on [pic] and [pic]. For values of [pic]close to 0, there is no linear association between [pic] and [pic]. When [pic]= +1. 00, there is a perfect positive linear association; when [pic]= -1. 00, there is a perf ect negative linear association. Intermediate values of [pic]correspond to intermediate strength of the relationship (Warner, 2008). 2. 1. 1Assumption for Pearson [pic] (Warner, 2008)The assumptions that need to be met for Pearson [pic] to be an appropriate statistic to describe the relationship between a pair of variables are as follows: 1. Each scores on [pic] should be independent of other [pic] scores (and each score on [pic]should be independent of other [pic]scores). 2. Scores on both [pic]and [pic]should be quantitative and normally distributed. 3. Scores on [pic]should be linearly related to scores on[pic]. 4. [pic], [pic]scores should have a bivariate normal distribution. 2. 1. Computation of Pearson [pic] (Warner, 2008) Formula to calculate Pearson [pic]from the raw scores on [pic]and [pic]is as follows: [pic](2. 1) 2. 1. 3Correlation matrix (Warner, 2008) A correlation matrix usually denoted by R; it contains the correlations among all possible pairs of [pic]variables. Th e entire set of correlation in an R matrix is as follow [pic] R = [pic][pic] Note several characteristics of this matrix. All the diagonal elements equal 1 (because the correlation of a variable with itself is, by definition, 1. 0).The matrix is â€Å"symmetric†because each element below the diagonal equals one corresponding element above the diagonal. 2. 2Multiple Regressions Multiple Regression analysis provides an equation that predicts raw score on a quantitative [pic] variable from raw scores on [pic] variables, with [pic]. The predictor or [pic] variables are usually also quantitative, but it can also be a dichotomous variable (dummy variable). Usually, regression analysis is used in non experimental research situations, in which the researcher has manipulated none of the variables.In the absence of an experimental design, causal inferences cannot be made. However, researchers often select at least some of the predictor variables for regression analysis because they be lieve that these might be â€Å"causes†of the outcome variable. If an [pic] variable that is theorized to be a â€Å"cause†of [pic]fails to account for a significant amount of variance in the [pic] variable in the regression analysis, this outcome may weaken the researcher’s belief that the [pic] variable has a causal connection with [pic].On the other hand, if a [pic] variable that is thought to be â€Å"causal†does uniquely predict a significant proportion of variance in [pic] even when confounded variables or competing causal variables are statistically controlled, this outcome may be interpreted as consistent with the possibility of causality. (Warner, 2008) 1. The Multiple Regressions Model Equation The raw score version of regression equation with [pic] predictor variables is written as follows [pic](2. 2) here [pic]is the predicted score on the outcome ([pic]) variable, [pic]is the intercept or constant term, [pic]are regression coefficients, an d [pic]are predictor variables. The [pic]regression coefficient represent partial slope. The [pic] slope represents the predicted change in [pic] for a one-unit increase in[pic], controlling for [pic](i. e. , controlling for all other predictor variables included in the regression analysis). The standard score version of a regression equation with [pic] predictors is represented as follows: [pic](2. ) where [pic]is [pic]scores on [pic], [pic]are beta coefficient that is used to predict The beta coefficients in the standard score version of the regression can be compared across variables to assess which of the predictor variables are more strongly related to the [pic]outcome variable when all the variables are represented in [pic]score form. Beta coefficient may be influenced by many types of artifacts such as unreliability of measurement and restricted range of scores in the sample. (Warner, 2008) 2. Model buildingThis paper use Stepwise regression model building to develop the leas t squares regression in steps, either to forward selection backward elimination, or through standards stepwise regression. The coefficient of partial determination is the measure of the marginal contribution of each independent variable, given that other independent variables are in the model. 2. 2. 3Statistics Sum-of-squares terms. Several regression statistics are computed as functions of the sums of-squares terms: [pic] (2. 4) Partitioning of variation.The regression equation is estimated such that the total sum-of squares can be partitioned into components due to regression and residuals: SST = SSR+ SSE(2. 5) Coefficient of determination. The explanatory power of the regression is summarized by its â€Å"R-squared†value, computed from the sums-of-squares terms as [pic](2. 6) R2, also called the coefficient of determination, is often described as the proportion of variance â€Å"accounted for†, â€Å"explained†, or â€Å"described†by regression. It i s important to keep in mind that a high R2 does not imply causation.The relative sizes of the sums-of-squares terms indicate how â€Å"good†the regression is in terms of fitting the calibration data. If the regression is â€Å"perfect†, all residuals are zero, SSE is zero, and R2 is 1. If the regression is a total failure, the sum-of-squares of residuals equals the total sum-of-squares, no variance is accounted for by regression, and R2 is zero. Adjusted R2. The R2 value for a regression can be made arbitrarily high simply by including more and more predictors in the model. The adjusted R2 is one of several statistics that attempts to compensate for this artificial increase in accuracy.The adjusted R2 is given by: [pic](2. 7) n = sample size (e. g. , number of years of data in calibration period) p = number of predictors in the model, not counting the constant term As shown by the equation, R2 with hat is lower than R2 if the model has more than one predictor. Adding predictors has the effect of increasing the difference between R2 with hat and R2. Adjusted R2 is also useful in comparing among models. ANOVA table and definition of â€Å"mean squared†terms. The sums-of-squares terms and related statistics are often summarized in an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) table: [pic] Source= source of variationSS= sum-of-squares term df= degrees of freedom for SS term MS= â€Å"mean squared†terms The mean squared terms are the sums-of-squares terms Standard error of the estimate. The residual mean square (MSE) is the sample estimate of the variance of the regression residuals. The population value of the error term is sometimes written as ? e2 while the sample estimate is given by se2 = MSE(2. 8) where MSE has been defined previously. The square root of the residual mean square is called the root-mean-square error (RMSE), or the standard error of the estimate. [pic](2. 9) The subscript â€Å"c†is attached (RMSEc) in (4. ) to distingu ish the RMSE derived from calibration from the root-mean-square error derived by cross-validation (see later). F ratio or â€Å"overall F†. Recall that the explanatory power of a regression is given by the regression R2, which is computed from sums-of-squares terms. The F-ratio, or overall F, which is computed from the mean squared terms in the ANOVA table, estimates the statistical significance of the regression equation. The F-ratio is given by [pic](2. 10) The advantage of the F- ratio over R2 is that the F- ratio takes into account the degrees of freedom, which depend on the sample size and the number of predictors in the model.A model can have a high R2 and still not be statistically significant if the sample size is not large compared with the number of predictors in the model. The F- ratio incorporates sample size and number of predictors in an assessment of significance of the relationship. The significance of the F- ratio is obtained by referring to a table of the F distribution, using degrees of freedom {df1,df2}, where df1 and df2 are the degrees of freedom for the regression mean square and residual mean square from the ANOVA table.How to reject or accept F-test (for overall significance) HO: ? 1 = ? 2 HA : ? 1 and ? 2 not both zero ? = . 05 Decision: Reject Ho if the f-stat falls in the rejection area (p values > ? = . 05) [pic] T-test. The T-test shows if there is a linear relationship between the variable xi and y. The test statistic: [pic](2. 11) How to reject or accept T-test (for individual significance) HO: ? 1 = 0 HA : ? 1 ? 0 ? = . 05 Decision: Reject Ho if the test statistic for each variable falls in the rejection region (p values < . 05) [pic]Confidence interval for estimated coefficients. If the regression assumptions on the residuals are satisfied, including the normality assumption, then the sampling distribution of an estimated regression coefficient is normal with a variance proportional to the residual mean square (MSE). Th e variance of the estimator also depends on the variances and covariances of the predictors. The idea is best illustrated for the case of simple linear regression, for which the variance of the regression coefficient is given by [pic](2. 12)Where Se2 is the residual mean square, xi is the value of the predictor in year xi with hat is the mean of the predictor, and the summation is over the n years in the calibration period. The 100 (1 ? ?) % confidence interval is [pic], where t? /2 is obtained from s t distribution with n-2 degrees of freedom. For more than one predictor, the confidence intervals for regression can be computed similarly, but the equation is more complicated. The equation for the variances and covariances of estimated coefficients is expressed in matrix terms by [pic](2. 13) where X is the time series matrix of predictors.This equation returns a matrix, with the variances of the parameters along the diagonal, and the covariances as the off-diagonal elements (Weisber g 1985, p. 44). The appropriate degrees of freedom of the t distribution is df = n ? K ? 1, where K is the number of predictors in the model, and n is the sample size. Multicolinearity The predictors in a regression model are often called the â€Å"independent variables†, but this term does not imply that the predictors are themselves independent statistically from one another. In fact, for natural systems, the predictors can be highly intercorrelated. Multicolinearity†is a term reserved to describe the case when the intercorrelation of predictor variables is high. It has been noted that the variance of the estimated regression coefficients depends on the intercorrelation of predictors. Haan (2002) concisely summarizes the effects of multicolinearity on the regression model. Multicolinearity does not invalidate the regression model in the sense that the predictive value of the equation may still be good as long as the prediction are based on combinations of predictors within the same multivariate space used to calibrate the equation.But there are several negative effects of multicolinearity. First, the variance of the regression coefficients can be inflated so much that the individual coefficients are not statistically significant – even though the overall regression equation is strong and the predictive ability good. Second, the relative magnitudes and even the signs of the coefficients may defy interpretation. For example, the regression weight on a tree-ring index in a multivariate regression equation to predict precipitation might be negative even though the tree-ring index by itself is positively correlated with precipitation.Third, the values of the individual regression coefficients may change radically with the removal or addition of a predictor variable in the equation. In fact, the sign of the coefficient might even switch. Signs of multicolinearity. Signs of multicolinearity include 1) high correlation between pairs of predictor variables, 2) regression coefficients whose signs or magnitudes do not make good physical sense, 3) statistically non-significant regression coefficients on important predictors, and 4) extreme sensitivity of sign or magnitude of regression coefficients to insertion or deletion of a predictor variable.Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). The Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) is a statistic that can be used to identify multicolinearity in a matrix of predictor variables. â€Å"Variance Inflation†refers here to the mentioned effect of multicolinearity on the variance of estimated regression coefficients. Multicolinearity depends not just on the bivariate correlations between pairs of predictors, but on the multivariate predictability of any one predictor from the other predictors. Accordingly, the VIF is based on the multiple coefficient of determination in regression of eachpredictor in multivariate linear regression on all the other predictors: pic](2. 14) where Ri2 is the multip le coefficient of determination in a regression of the ith predictor on all other predictors, and i VIF is the variance inflation factor associated with the ith predictor. Note that if the ith predictor is independent of the other predictors, the variance inflation factor is one, while if the ith predictor can be almost perfectly predicted from the other predictors, the variance inflation factor approaches infinity. In that case the variance of the estimated regression coefficients is unbounded.Multicolinearity is said to be a problem when the variance inflation factors of one or more predictors becomes large. How large it appears to be a subjective judgement. According to Haan (2002), some researchers use a VIF of 5 and others use a VIF of 10 as a critical threshold. These VIF values correspond, respectively, to Ri2 values of 0. 80 and 0. 90. Some compute the average VIF for all predictors and declare that an average â€Å"considerably†larger than one indicates multicolinea rity (Haan, 2002).At any rate, it is important to keep in mind that multicolinearity requires strong intercorrelation of predictors, not just non-zero intercorrelation. The VIF is closely related to a statistic call the tolerance, which is 1/VIF. Some statistics packages report the VIF and some report the tolerance (Haan 2002). 3. MODEL SPESIFICATION AND DATA SOURCE Based on the theory review in the previous section, we build the following specification to capture the determinants of money supply in Indonesia: CPI = ? 0 + ? 1M1 + ? 2GDP + ? 3IR + ? 4SP + ? The variables are defined as followed: 1.Money supply (M1) is M0 (physical currency) and demand deposits, which are checking accounts. This is used as a measurement for economists trying to quantify the amount of money in circulation. The M1 is a very liquid measure of the money supply, as it contains cash and assets that can quickly be converted to currency. 2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the income of individuals or nations after adjusting for inflation. 3. Consumer price index (CPI) is an index number measuring the average price of consumer goods and services purchased by households. 4. Interest rate (IR) is a fee paid on borrowed capital. . Share Price (SP) is the price of one share of stock. This paper uses quarterly data, from quarter 1 of 1996 to quarter 2 of 2008 that is taken from International Financial Statistic. We also use SPSS software to regress the model above. 4. VALUATION 4. 1Model Estimation We will present the result of data analysis using Multiple Regression Analysis. Multiple Regression analysis provides an equation that predicts raw score on a quantitative [pic] variable from raw scores on [pic] variables, with[pic]. The best model is indicated by the highest Adjusted R2 and the lowest standard errors.In this study, consumer price indexes (CPI) were predicted from the following variables: money supply (M1), gross domestic product (GDP), interest rate (IR) and share price (SP). The sample size[pic]is 50. 4. 2Bivariate correlation In this part, we will observe the strength of the linear relationship between each independent variable and CPI. Table 1. Correlations | | |CPI |M1 |GDP |IR |SP | |1996Q1 |11. 716111 |19. 30 |4. 771904 |3. 788341 |3. 853983 |0. 065642 | |1996Q2 |11. 766373 |19. 4 |4. 819983 |3. 822246 |3. 858643 |0. 036398 | |1996Q3 |11. 827298 |19. 17 |4. 717570 |3. 877778 |3. 863081 |-0. 014697 | |1996Q4 |11. 879324 |19. 16 |4. 810590 |3. 909344 |3. 872063 |-0. 037281 | |1997Q1 |11. 889998 |18. 98 |4. 934683 |3. 905124 |3. 897606 |-0. 007518 | |1997Q2 |11. 914423 |18. 72 |4. 941414 |3. 921527 |3. 906252 |-0. 015275 | |1997Q3 |12. 002958 |23. 38 |4. 78997 |4. 036802 |3. 924765 |-0. 112037 | |1997Q4 |12. 039144 |26. 19 |4. 477901 |4. 111444 |3. 959830 |-0. 151614 | |1998Q1 |12. 262335 |26. 33 |4. 624532 |4. 270861 |4. 140733 |-0. 130127 | |1998Q2 |12. 314070 |32. 16 |4. 495154 |4. 363053 |4. 309088 |-0. 053965 | |1998Q3 |12. 484700 |34. 93 |4. 308177 |4. 530508 |4. 491942 |-0. 038566 | |1998Q4 |12. 457244 |35. 20 |4. 294247 |4. 12515 |4. 538626 |0. 026111 | |1999Q1 |12. 510708 |34. 11 |4. 396215 |4. 536868 |4. 585091 |0. 048223 | |1999Q2 |12. 512071 |30. 34 |4. 767910 |4. 478028 |4. 578437 |0. 100409 | |1999Q3 |12. 533785 |24. 52 |4. 754038 |4. 455257 |4. 555728 |0. 100470 | |1999Q4 |12. 525806 |21. 68 |4. 830264 |4. 422381 |4. 555029 |0. 132648 | |2000Q1 |12. 689215 |19. 58 |4. 798267 |4. 536245 |4. 79349 |0. 043104 | |2000Q2 |12. 725801 |18. 46 |4. 615507 |4. 572988 |4. 589384 |0. 016396 | |2000Q3 |12. 796032 |17. 98 |4. 534614 |4. 630870 |4. 611431 |-0. 019440 | |2000Q4 |12. 817033 |17. 80 |4. 436443 |4. 654596 |4. 639514 |-0. 015082 | |2001Q1 |12. 894097 |17. 85 |4. 423641 |4. 715383 |4. 668689 |-0. 046693 | |2001Q2 |12. 957670 |18. 26 |4. 396349 |4. 769620 |4. 695093 |-0. 74527 | |2001Q3 |12. 980581 |18. 88 |4. 453272 |4. 786409 |4. 731538 |-0. 054871 | |2001Q4 |12. 967675 |19. 20 |4. 357638 |4. 787355 |4. 758569 |-0. 02878 5 | |2002Q1 |13. 014972 |19. 32 |4. 495629 |4. 812124 |4. 804455 |-0. 007668 | |2002Q2 |13. 038967 |19. 18 |4. 670443 |4. 813862 |4. 813371 |-0. 000492 | |2002Q3 |13. 083051 |18. 87 |4. 499660 |4. 860963 |4. 830240 |-0. 030724 | |2002Q4 |13. 67842 |18. 42 |4. 383610 |4. 856585 |4. 856372 |-0. 000213 | |2003Q1 |13. 119451 |18. 20 |4. 382903 |4. 894774 |4. 879052 |-0. 015721 | |2003Q2 |13. 127729 |17. 68 |4. 568618 |4. 880785 |4. 881073 |0. 000288 | |2003Q3 |13. 168067 |16. 44 |4. 706932 |4. 890676 |4. 889544 |-0. 001132 | |2003Q4 |13. 145558 |15. 43 |4. 867750 |4. 851847 |4. 910358 |0. 058511 | |2004Q1 |13. 193018 |14. 0 |5. 023394 |4. 869902 |4. 926710 |0. 056808 | |2004Q2 |13. 243557 |14. 28 |5. 023446 |4. 905169 |4. 946239 |0. 041070 | |2004Q3 |13. 296856 |13. 88 |5. 055704 |4. 940406 |4. 956855 |0. 016449 | |2004Q4 |13. 303815 |13. 54 |5. 255827 |4. 925389 |4. 972241 |0. 046852 | |2005Q1 |13. 357168 |13. 36 |5. 375579 |4. 954380 |5. 001198 |0. 046817 | |2005Q2 |13. 415743 |13. 29 |5. 03708 |4. 996403 |5. 019906 |0. 023503 | |2005Q3 |13. 477237 |13. 78 |5. 410051 |5. 046527 |5. 037628 |-0. 008900 | |2005Q4 |13. 539065 |15. 78 |5. 387751 |5. 110080 |5. 135998 |0. 025918 | |2006Q1 |13. 570606 |16. 34 |5. 539352 |5. 124611 |5. 157502 |0. 032891 | |2006Q2 |13. 608447 |16. 23 |5. 624725 |5. 145281 |5. 164111 |0. 018831 | |2006Q3 |13. 676882 |16. 00 |5. 78345 |5. 191494 |5. 176234 |-0. 015260 | |2006Q4 |13. 679898 |15. 35 |5. 839146 |5. 174745 |5. 194761 |0. 020015 | |2007Q1 |13. 732362 |14. 70 |5. 885796 |5. 206364 |5. 219177 |0. 012812 | |2007Q2 |13. 777640 |14. 08 |6. 039466 |5. 223014 |5. 222613 |-0. 000401 | |2007Q3 |13. 848229 |13. 56 |6. 144445 |5. 264208 |5. 239273 |-0. 024935 | |2007Q4 |13. 855779 |13. 11 |6. 305412 |5. 52354 |5. 259836 |0. 007483 | |2008Q1 |13. 930695 |12. 94 |6. 292750 |5. 309960 |5. 292817 |-0. 017143 | |2008Q2 |14. 023264 |12. 95 |6. 172412 |5. 392000 |5. 199684 |-0. 192316 | | | | | | | |0. 175227 | From the table above, we found the sum square value of error is 0. 175. Predict Consumer Price index (CPI) for a quarter in which the logarithmic of GDP is 12. 89 logarithmic of Interest Rate is 17. 5 and logarithmic of Share Price is 4. 42 LCPI = -4. 927 + 0. 769 (LGDP) + 0. 007 (LIR) – 0. 090 (LSP) = -4. 927 + 0. 769 (12. 89) + 0. 007 (17. 52) – 0. 090 (4. 42) = 4. 72 Confidence interval for the mean LCPI value : [pic]; [pic] [pic] [pic] Prediction interval for the mean LCPI value : [pic]; [pic] [pic] [pic] CONCLUSION We have employed multiple regression analysis method, which involve five variables which are expected to affecting money supply. They are consumer price index, interest rate, stock price, GDP, and money supply [M1]. The data are selected from Indonesia international financial statistics.In the recent years Indonesia has been successfully controlling its money supply to get stability in economic circumstances. From the study we found out that there is strong relations hip between consumer price index [CPI]and GDP. When the Gross Domestic Product [GDP] increases, it will also increase consumer price index as these two have linear relationship. Also there is strong correlation between money supply and consumer price index, which means that mean of CPI increase when money supply increases. Addition to this there is positive correlation between stock price and CPI, when stock price increase it tend to increase CPI.However there is negative correlation between interest rate and CPI, when interest rate increases, CPI decreases. From our finding it shows that R-square is 96 percent, which means it is a good model to describe the relation between CPI and other variables we use in the study. REFERENCES Lawrence S. Meyers, Glenn Gamst, and A. J. Guarino. (2006). Applied Multivariate Research Design and Interpretation. Thousand Oaks, London, and New Delhi: Sage Publications. Miles, Jeremy and Mark Shevlin. (2001). Applying Regression & Correlation: A Guide for Students and Researchers. London: Sage Publications. Warner, R. M. (2008).Applied Statistics From Bivariate Through Multivariate Techniques. Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore: SAGE Publications. Watson, Collin J. and et al. (1993). Statistics for Management and Economics 5th Edition. Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon. http://www. investopedia. com http://www. stock-market-investors. com http://www. wikipedia. org Appendix 1. Variables Data | |M1 |Stock Price |CPI |INTEREST RATE |GDP | | | | | | | | |1996Q1 |53162. 00 |118. 14 |47. 8 |19. 30 |122530. 00 | |1996Q2 |56448. 00 |123. 96 |47. 40 |19. 24 |128846. 00 | |1996Q3 |59684. 00 |111. 90 |47. 61 |19. 17 |136940. 00 | |1996Q4 |64089. 00 |122. 80 |48. 04 |19. 16 |144253. 00 | |1997Q1 |63565. 00 |139. 03 |49. 28 |18. 98 |145801. 00 | |1997Q2 |69950. 00 |139. 97 |49. 71 |18. 72 |149406. 00 | |1997Q3 |66258. 00 |118. 99 |50. 64 |23. 8 |163237. 00 | |1997Q4 |78343. 00 |88. 05 |52. 45 |26. 19 |169252. 00 | |1998Q1 |98270. 30 |101. 96 |62. 85 |26. 33 |211575. 00 | |1998Q2 |109480. 00 |89. 58 |74. 37 |32. 16 |222809. 00 | |1998Q3 |102563. 00 |74. 30 |89. 29 |34. 93 |264263. 00 | |1998Q4 |101197. 00 |73. 28 |93. 56 |35. 20 |257106. 00 | |1999Q1 |105705. 00 |81. 14 |98. 01 |34. 11 |271226. 0 | |1999Q2 |105964. 00 |117. 67 |97. 36 |30. 34 |271596. 00 | |1999Q3 |118124. 00 |116. 05 |95. 18 |24. 52 |277558. 00 | |1999Q4 |124633. 00 |125. 24 |95. 11 |21. 68 |275352. 00 | |2000Q1 |124663. 00 |121. 30 |97. 45 |19. 58 |324232. 00 | |2000Q2 |133832. 00 |101. 04 |98. 43 |18. 46 |336314. 00 | |2000Q3 |135430. 00 |93. 19 |100. 63 |17. 98 |360783. 00 | |2000Q4 |162186. 0 |84. 47 |103. 49 |17. 80 |368440. 00 | |2001Q1 |148375. 00 |83. 40 |106. 56 |17. 85 |397956. 00 | |2001Q2 |160142. 00 |81. 15 |109. 41 |18. 26 |424077. 00 | |2001Q3 |164237. 00 |85. 91 |113. 47 |18. 88 |433905. 00 | |2001Q4 |177731. 00 |78. 07 |116. 58 |19. 20 |428341. 00 | |2002Q1 |166173. 00 |89. 62 |122. 05 |19. 32 |449087. 00 | |2002Q2 |174017. 00 |106. 5 |123. 15 |19. 18 |459993. 00 | |2002Q3 |181791. 00 |89. 99 |125. 24 |18. 87 |480725. 00 | |2002Q4 |191939. 00 |80. 13 |128. 56 |18. 42 |473469. 00 | |2003Q1 |181239. 00 |80. 07 |131. 51 |18. 20 |498546. 00 | |2003Q2 |195219. 00 |96. 41 |131. 77 |17. 68 |502690. 00 | |2003Q3 |207587. 00 |110. 71 |132. 89 |16. 44 |523382. 00 | |2003Q4 |223799. 00 |130. 03 |135. 9 |15. 43 |511733. 00 | |2004Q1 |219087. 00 |151. 93 |137. 93 |14. 80 |536605. 00 | |2004Q2 |226147. 00 |151. 93 |140. 65 |14. 28 |564422. 00 | |2004Q3 |234676. 00 |156. 92 |142. 15 |13. 88 |595321. 00 | |2004Q4 |245946. 00 |191. 68 |144. 35 |13. 54 |599478. 00 | |2005Q1 |244003. 00 |216. 07 |148. 59 |13. 36 |632331. 00 | |2005Q2 |261814. 00 |222. 23 |151. 40 |13. 9 |670476. 00 | |2005Q3 |267762. 00 |223. 64 |154. 10 |13. 78 |713000. 00 | |2005Q4 |271166. 00 |218. 71 |170. 03 |15. 78 |758475. 00 | |2006Q1 |270425. 00 |254. 51 |173. 73 |16. 34 |782779. 00 | |2006Q2 |303803. 00 |277. 20 |174. 88 |16. 23 |812968. 00 | |200 6Q3 |323885. 00 |292. 47 |177. 02 |16. 00 |870551. 00 | |2006Q4 |347013. 00 |343. 49 |180. 33 |15. 35 |873181. 0 | |2007Q1 |331736. 00 |359. 89 |184. 78 |14. 70 |920214. 00 | |2007Q2 |371768. 00 |419. 67 |185. 42 |14. 08 |962838. 00 | |2007Q3 |400075. 00 |466. 12 |188. 53 |13. 56 |1033260. 00 | |2007Q4 |450055. 00 |547. 53 |192. 45 |13. 11 |1041090. 00 | |2008Q1 |409768. 00 |540. 64 |198. 90 |12. 94 |1122080. 00 | |2008Q2 |453093. 00 |479. 34 |181. 22 |12. 95 |1230910. 00 |Appendix 2. Lag of Variable Data | |lm1 |lsp |lcpi |lgdp |ir | |1996Q1 |10. 881099 |4. 771904 |3. 853983 |11. 716111 |19. 30 | |1996Q2 |10. 941075 |4. 819983 |3. 858643 |11. 766373 |19. 24 | |1996Q3 |10. 996819 |4. 717570 |3. 863081 |11. 827298 |19. 17 | |1996Q4 |11. 068028 |4. 810590 |3. 872063 |11. 879324 |19. 16 | |1997Q1 |11. 059818 |4. 934683 |3. 897606 |11. 889998 |18. 98 | |1997Q2 |11. 55536 |4. 941414 |3. 906252 |11. 914423 |18. 72 | |1997Q3 |11. 101311 |4. 778997 |3. 924765 |12. 002958 |23. 38 | |1997 Q4 |11. 268852 |4. 477901 |3. 959830 |12. 039144 |26. 19 | |1998Q1 |11. 495477 |4. 624532 |4. 140733 |12. 262335 |26. 33 | |1998Q2 |11. 603497 |4. 495154 |4. 309088 |12. 314070 |32. 16 | |1998Q3 |11. 538233 |4. 308177 |4. 491942 |12. 484700 |34. 93 | |1998Q4 |11. 524824 |4. 294247 |4. 538626 |12. 57244 |35. 20 | |1999Q1 |11. 568407 |4. 396215 |4. 585091 |12. 510708 |34. 11 | |1999Q2 |11. 570855 |4. 767910 |4. 578437 |12. 512071 |30. 34 | |1999Q3 |11. 679490 |4. 754038 |4. 555728 |12. 533785 |24. 52 | |1999Q4 |11. 733129 |4. 830264 |4. 555029 |12. 525806 |21. 68 | |2000Q1 |11. 733369 |4. 798267 |4. 579349 |12. 689215 |19. 58 | |2000Q2 |11. 804341 |4. 615507 |4. 589384 |12. 725801 |18. 46 | |2000Q3 |11. 16210 |4. 534614 |4. 611431 |12. 796032 |17. 98 | |2000Q4 |11. 996499 |4. 436443 |4. 639514 |12. 817033 |17. 80 | |2001Q1 |11. 907498 |4. 423641 |4. 668689 |12. 894097 |17. 85 | |2001Q2 |11. 983816 |4. 396349 |4. 695093 |12. 957670 |18. 26 | |2001Q3 |12. 009066 |4. 453272 |4. 731538 |1 2. 980581 |18. 88 | |2001Q4 |12. 088026 |4. 357638 |4. 758569 |12. 967675 |19. 20 | |2002Q1 |12. 020785 |4. 495629 |4. 804455 |13. 14972 |19. 32 | |2002Q2 |12. 066908 |4. 670443 |4. 813371 |13. 038967 |19. 18 | |2002Q3 |12. 110613 |4. 499660 |4. 830240 |13. 083051 |18. 87 | |2002Q4 |12. 164933 |4. 383610 |4. 856372 |13. 067842 |18. 42 | |2003Q1 |12. 107572 |4. 382903 |4. 879052 |13. 119451 |18. 20 | |2003Q2 |12. 181877 |4. 568618 |4. 881073 |13. 127729 |17. 68 | |2003Q3 |12. 243306 |4. 706932 |4. 889544 |13. 168067 |16. 44 | |2003Q4 |12. 18504 |4. 867750 |4. 910358 |13. 145558 |15. 43 | |2004Q1 |12. 297224 |5. 023394 |4. 926710 |13. 193018 |14. 80 | |2004Q2 |12. 328941 |5. 023446 |4. 946239 |13. 243557 |14. 28 | |2004Q3 |12. 365961 |5. 055704 |4. 956855 |13. 296856 |13. 88 | |2004Q4 |12. 412867 |5. 255827 |4. 972241 |13. 303815 |13. 54 | |2005Q1 |12. 404936 |5. 375579 |5. 001198 |13. 357168 |13. 36 | |2005Q2 |12. 475390 |5. 403708 |5. 19906 |13. 415743 |13. 29 | |2005Q3 |12. 497854 |5. 410051 |5. 037628 |13. 477237 |13. 78 | |2005Q4 |12. 510486 |5. 387751 |5. 135998 |13. 539065 |15. 78 | |2006Q1 |12. 507750 |5. 539352 |5. 157502 |13. 570606 |16. 34 | |2006Q2 |12. 624135 |5. 624725 |5. 164111 |13. 608447 |16. 23 | |2006Q3 |12. 688144 |5. 678345 |5. 176234 |13. 676882 |16. 00 | |2006Q4 |12. 757118 |5. 839146 |5. 194761 |13. 679898 |15. 5 | |2007Q1 |12. 712095 |5. 885796 |5. 219177 |13. 732362 |14. 70 | |2007Q2 |12. 826025 |6. 039466 |5. 222613 |13. 777640 |14. 08 | |2007Q3 |12. 899407 |6. 144445 |5. 239273 |13. 848229 |13. 56 | |2007Q4 |13. 017125 |6. 305412 |5. 259836 |13. 855779 |13. 11 | |2008Q1 |12. 923346 |6. 292750 |5. 292817 |13. 930695 |12. 94 | |2008Q2 |13. 023853 |6. 172412 |5. 199684 |14. 023264 |12. 95 | â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [pic] [pic] [pic]
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Brushing and cavities Essay Example
Brushing and cavities Essay Example Brushing and cavities Paper Brushing and cavities Paper Essay Topic: Like Water for Chocolate 1. Long-term aim – This lesson aims to discuss to the grade 1 students what may happen when they disregarded taking care of their teeth (the effects of tooth decay on overall health). 2. Short-term aim – As a short term goal, this lesson aims to teach the students the proper way to brush their teeth and the reasons why children like them suffer from tooth decay or cavities. Content of the Lesson 1. This lesson will provide information to the students the causes of tooth decay or cavities and will also include some facts on how an improper dental care will affect a person’s health. (see page 5) 2. To help the 1st graders to prevent tooth decay, this lesson will show them the proper way of brushing teeth and also a discussion on other ways or methods to prevent teeth from cavities. (see pages 5 and 6) Concrete Materials and Teaching Aids For this lesson, I will be using a toothbrush, a typodont, and some pictures and illustrations to show how cavities look. Introduction Nowadays, tooth decay or cavities and other dental diseases are present in many areas here in the United States. You can be one of those who carry this disease. Due to lack of education about the causes of cavities and because most of us are not interested on preventing tooth decay, problems on our dental health become widespread and rampant. Also, many of us brush our teeth in an improper way. Fortunately, I am here to discuss to you the reasons why our teeth suffer from cavities and other dental diseases. As an addition, I will show to you the correct way of brushing your teeth. I will also give you some advice on choosing the right toothbrush for you so that your teeth will become healthy and strong. Statement of the Problem How can we prevent our teeth from cavities so that our teeth will all be strong healthy? Presentation of Information 1. To deliver this lesson effectively, I will be teaching them by questioning some of their teeth how they take care of their teeth, explaining them the causes of tooth decay and how to prevent it, and demonstrating the right way to brush our teeth. 2. First, I will be giving my introduction and at the same time I will be showing a series of illustrations showing some cases of tooth decays or cavities and then I will state the problem. Afterwards, ask at least three of them on what they know about cavities. Then, I will be discussing the causes of tooth decay and cavities and how this problem affects a person’s (especially a child’s) health. After discussing this, I will again ask some of them on how (or if) they take care of their teeth. I will also ask them to demonstrate how they brush their teeth. Then afterwards, I will be showing them the correct method of brushing teeth. After this, I will be telling them other ways to prevent cavities like using dental floss and sugarless gums. Then, I will sum up the whole lesson. Afterwards, a sort of quiz will be held and the winners will have prices like toothbrush, sugarless gums, dental floss, and stickers. 3. Questions to be asked to the students: a. What do you children know about cavities? b. How do you brush your teeth and how many times? c. Can you please show me how you brush your teeth? 4. As I am delivering my speech, I am expecting the students to be alertly listening to me. It is also essential to them to ask some questions if they want to clarify something. Also, while I am demonstrating the correct way of brushing teeth, I will be expecting them to try it to themselves (imaginarily). 5. I will provide a blackboard summary so that the material presented will be rehearsed quickly by the learners prior to follow-up activities. Tooth decay or cavities can happen to all of us. To prevent this, just brush your teeth at least two times a day properly. Also, get some time to visit your dentist regularly so that he may assist you on your dental health. Application/ Seat Work/ Follow-up 1. Materials – toothbrush and typodont. As prizes – toothbrush, sugarless gums, dental floss, and stickers. 2. I will be asking some volunteers by and will ask them to repeat what I have demonstrated. If they do it right, I will give them a prize. Cavities Because of tooth decay, cavities occur. It is the destruction of the teeth’s structure. We suffer from tooth decay because we eat foods that contain sugars and carbohydrates. Such foods are bread, cereals, milk, soda, fruits, cakes, and candies that are left between your teeth. Bacteria lives on these tiny food bits between your teeth and together with saliva, they form plaque. The acids coming from the plaque destroys the enamel or the outer layer of the teeth. In effect, holes occur in our teeth and that is what we call cavities. Preventing Cavities 1. Avoid drinking fluids that are high on sugar like sodas and other high-fructose drinks. 2. Instead of eating soft and sugary foods such as chocolates and marshmallows, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. 3. Brush your teeth or rinse your mouth every after meal. 4. Chew sugarless gums instead of sweet candies. 5. Regularly visit your dentist to seek advice regarding your dental health. Proper Way of Brushing Teeth 1. Choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste. Soft-bristled tooth brush is recommended and your toothpaste should have fluoride. 2. Start brushing with, the farthest back teeth in your mouth, your upper molars. 3. Brush teeth in a back and forth motion and a rolling motion near the gum line. 4. Work your toothbrush around all sides of the teeth including the biting surface and the inside and outside areas. 5. Brush all of the back teeth first, making sure to pay attention to all surfaces. 6. Move onto the front teeth and brush in a back and forth motion. Smile broadly to move your lips out of the way. Brush the insides of the teeth as much as the outsides. 7. Take your time. It should take at least 2 minutes to brush your teeth properly. 8. Brush your tongue to remove bacteria and food debris that can also contribute to cavities. 9. Spit out the remaining toothpaste. 10. Avoid rinsing your mouth with water after brushing your teeth to prevent fluoride from being washed off teeth before it has had a chance to work. If you must rinse, use a mouthwash with fluoride instead of water. (source: ehow. com/how_2209206_brush-prevent-cavities. html)
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Pauls Case and Sunnys Blues Essay Example
Pauls Case and Sunnys Blues Essay Example Pauls Case and Sunnys Blues Paper Pauls Case and Sunnys Blues Paper Essay Topic: Literature The stories that have been chosen for the essay are Sonnys Blues by James Baldwin and Pauls Case by Willa Cather. These stories have a lot in common but they are also very different in their approach towards life. It can be said that the similarities become the contrasts due to the negative use of ideas. The main characters in both the stories are rebels. Their ideas are radical and against the norms of the society. The love for music, art, theater and the ambience of beauty is in the rebels, both Sonny and Paul. This is a similarity they share but the contrast comes in when music uplifts Sonny from his blues or misfortune and gives him a reason to live, Paul does not want to work towards a better life in order to enjoy the art which he loves. The ending in the stories is the surprise element. The difference in the point of view of the characters changes the ending, completely. Sonnys outlook is of hope and the future is bright because of positive thinking while Pauls end is a long tunnel of depression which ends in despair where he gives up his life. In Sonnys Blues, Sonny is a rebel who in his very young days became a drug addict. His brother, the narrator of the story, had not met him for a very long time. The brother wanted to help Sonny to get on with his life. Sonny loved music. He loved to play the piano, it uplifted him. This was his world. It liberated him from his troubles and turbulation of life. Sonny takes his brother to the club where he plays, to make him understand his passion and conviction for music and how much he has suffered. He is now on the path to recovery. After his performance Sonny looks at his brother, nods and takes a sip of the drink sent by his brother for him. This moment describes the understanding which they share and how their relationship grows. In Pauls Case, Paul is a rebel who is in constant trouble at school with his teachers as he has an attitude problem. His defiant manner and his whole attitude was symbolized by his shrug and his flippantly red carnation flower which he wore when he had to appear before his principal and teachers. His relationship with his family, his father is nonexistent. He took Paul out of school and put him to work at a factory, while his job as an usher at Carnegie Hall which acted as his temporary refuge from his life was snatched away from him . Paul too loved music. He loved the ambience of Carnegie hall and even though the symphonies did not mean anything to him it freed some hilarious and potent spirit within him. He felt a sudden zest of life. He loved the good life which he tried to live with the stolen money in New York. He stayed at Waldorf Astoria Hotel, got fancy shoes, shopped at Tiffanys and this was how he wanted to live his life as he describes it as only for a moment, these were his own people, he told himself. However, the difference in the point of view of the main characters changed the end of the stories. Sonny is a recovering drug addict who makes music his source of inspiration to work towards a better future. His family is his support. He makes his brother understand what he has gone through and explains his need to get away from the atmosphere which had pulled him in the dark hole. In Sonnys Blues life is approached with a positive attitude. In Pauls Case, Paul had no reconciliation with his family, when he had to return to Cornelia Street (his home) he did not want to go back. He ends his life rather than face the reality of the situation. He lived in his dream world but had no intention of working for a better life. Hence, we see that the difference of attitude of dealing with problems of the main characters, Sonny and Paul affect the stories. Though the stories are set in different times, the characters and the problems are prevalent in every generation. The main thing is how we deal with them because that is what changes the direction of ones fate.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
An Essay on Responsibility in A Separate Peace
An Essay on Responsibility in A Separate Peace A Separate Peace: Responsibility A responsibility is something for which one is held accountable. Often people say that one is responsible for one’s own words and actions; if something happens as a result of something one does one is responsible for it. But is it possible that something could be the result of various actions from different people who are therefore equally responsible, or is there always one person who is most responsible for the incident at hand? Such a situation where this question is relevant is present in the novel A Separate Peace by John Knowles. In the novel, the main character, Gene, ponders his responsibility for the death of his best friend, Phineas or Finny. After reading Gene’s account of the events that led to Finny’s death the reader may observe that there are three people who are all partially at fault for Finny’s death. Gene, a classmate named Brinker, and Phineas all had something to do with the incident, but who was most responsible for it? Gene is probably the most obvious to blame for part of Phineas’ death. Gene clearly feels guilty, that is why he returns to the tree fifteen years after the fact, for some sort of closure. As Gene and Finny were about to jump from a tree branch into the river together, Gene shook the branch causing Phineas to fall into the river unexpectedly and hurt his leg. Later on, when Phineas re-injured his leg and was having it set in a routine operation, he passed away. The doctor said that it was probably because some marrow entered his blood stream and caused his heart to stop. But if Finny had never fallen in the first place he would have not been on that operating table. Therefore, indirectly an action of Genes eventually resulted in Finny’s death. But was this action done consciously? The author does not specify. â€Å"My knees were bent and I jounced the limb†(Knowles p.52) says Gene in his account of the incident. â€Å"I jounced†is an active verb but †Å"were bent†is passive meaning that some unknown force bent Gene’s knees and as a result of that he jounced the limb. Since this action was not totally Gene’s he is not thus totally responsible for the fall or the events that occurred as a result of it. Brinker, Gene and Finny’s classmate was responsible for the circumstances that lead to Phineas’ second fall. Brinker suspected that Gene was responsible for Finny’s first fall and begrudged him somewhat for not enlisting in the army with him when he had wanted to. It was Brinker who called together the trial in which Gene was prosecuted for purposely causing Finny to fall off the tree. But even if Gene was to blame for Finny’s first fall, it was not necessary to drag Finny out of bed in the middle of the night and put him through such emotional turmoil when he was still physically vulnerable from the accident. If Brinker had not organized the trial Finny would have never rushed out in such an upset manner causing him to fall and hurt himself again. The doctor was not sure why Phineas died. â€Å"In the middle of it [the surgery] his heart just stopped. I can’t explain it.†(Knowles p.185) He said. Later on the doctor conjectured that Phineas p robably died when marrow entered his blood circulation and clogged his heart but Gene meant the world to Finny. The idea Brinker introduced to Phineas that his best friend would betray him hurt Phineas severely and maybe even caused him to loose the will to live. Brinker’s actions were crucial to Finny’s death and since they were done with cruel intentions Brinker is largely responsible for the death of his classmate. Surprisingly enough Finny is partly responsible for his own death. He knew that jumping off the tree into the river was dangerous hence the name of the club â€Å"Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session†(Knowles p.24) whose membership requirement was one jump from the tree. Also, if not for Finny Gene wouldn’t even have come to the meeting the night of the accident, Gene wanted to stay in the dorm and study but Finny used reverse psychology in order to convince him to come. Lastly, it was also Finny’s idea that they jump together rather then alone, risking the possibility that the movement of one could cause the other to loose his balance. If not for any of these incidents Finny would never have fallen to begin with, Gene’s trial would never have taken place, and he would not have found himself on that operating table. This makes Finny largely responsible for his first fall and partly responsible for his death. In conclusion although none of them were conscious that their actions would eventually lead to Finny’s death, Gene, Brinker, and Finny were all partly responsible for it. The one most to blame however was Finny himself, starting a club in which jumping off the tree into the river was a membership requirement was the first in the series of events that eventually lead to his death. If Finny had not done this none of the incidents which Gene and Brinker were at fault for would have ever had reason to take place. Consequently, the person most to blame for the death of Phineas was Phineas himself. As the song goes: â€Å"It is of no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy.†(Lit Place in the Sun)
Friday, October 18, 2019
Modern Utilitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Modern Utilitarianism - Essay Example The answers she created enemies and friends for her and answers that saved the birds. Carson gave the cause of the decrease in the number of birds as the strong synthetic insecticides. These insecticides, like dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), in the form of dusts, sprays, and aerosols were affecting the food chains. The insecticides achieved this by poisoning the food chain from insects to the top. The chemicals were not only harmful to the insects but to the humans as well. They caused cancer and liver tumors. This led to the banning of the DDT insecticides and consequently saving a huge number of birds. However, the companies that were producing the insecticides underwent loss hence viewing Carson as a foe (Minteer 169). Her encouragement and message that man needs to act in moderation for him to achieve an equilibrium with nature led to a number of legislations by the federal on utilitarian conservation of the environment. One of these acts legislations was the clean air act . This act, which has undergone a number of amendments, required the Environmental Protection agency to make and enforce laws that protect humans from airborne chemicals and contaminants that are dangerous to human health (Minteer 169). The Wilderness Act passed in 1964 created a legal description of the wilderness in the US. It protected around nine million acres of federal land. This act preserved the wilderness and hence the animals in it. The Clean Water Act was passed in the year 1972. This acts main aim was to protect the waters of the land from pollution by doing away with the release of large amounts of poisonous substances into the water. This act not only... As the report stresses the only person who had the exact answer to the question that no one was sure about the answer was Rachel Carson. This biologist had taken time to complete the book that would provide answers to the question of the decreasing number of birds. The answers she created enemies and friends for her and answers that saved the birds. Carson gave the cause of the decrease in the number of birds as the strong synthetic insecticides. These insecticides, like dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), in the form of dusts, sprays, and aerosols were affecting the food chains. The insecticides achieved this by poisoning the food chain from insects to the top. The chemicals were not only harmful to the insects but to the humans as well. They caused cancer and liver tumors. This led to the banning of the DDT insecticides and consequently saving a huge number of birds. However, the companies that were producing the insecticides underwent loss hence viewing Carson as a foe.From the discussion it is clear that the Wilderness Act passed in 1964 created a legal description of the wilderness in the US. It protected around nine million acres of federal land. This act preserved the wilderness and hence the animals in it. The Clean Water Act was passed in the year 1972. This acts main aim was to protect the waters of the land from pollution by doing away with the release of large amounts of poisonous substances into the water. This act not only made safe the water that human beings consumed but also the fish they ate.
Four Seasons Hotels And Resorts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Four Seasons Hotels And Resorts - Essay Example Four Seasons Hotels, Inc. is a Canadian-based international luxury hotel chain consisting of hotels and resorts aimed at the higher end of the accommodation market. It is considered among the best luxury hotel chains worldwide.Four Seasons is a publicly traded corporation headquartered in Toronto, Canada.It has grown from single hotel to a prestigious company with 74 luxury hotels and resort properties several of which include a residential component. These properties operate under the Four Seasons brand name in principal cities and resort destinations in 31 countries in North America, The Caribbean, Europe, Australia, Asia, The Middle East and South America.The business-oriented hotels (as opposed to the resort properties) are typically mediumsize, located in major business and commercial centers, either in downtown areas or in suburbs with significant business infrastructures. Founded in 1960 by Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Isadore Sharp, Four Seasons traces it roots to an idea that proved to be revolutionary: what the global business traveler wanted most was personalised service, available round-the-clock. Frequent international travel, now so commonplace, was an emerging trend in the 1960's and '70s. It set the stage for a new kind of luxury hotel experience.Sharp had the opportunity to capitalize on this trend when the company opened its third hotel, and its first in Europe, the Inn on the Park, now known as Four Seasons Hotel London.... Four Seasons was also the first to provide European-style concierge services and room service 24/7, offer innovative choices in cuisine, taking the hotel dining experience to a new level ,and to make all of these services available at every hotel it operated. Mission To provide Exceptional service in unparalleled settings Goal The main goal is to be an undisputed global leader in luxury lodging. Objectives Provide economic returns that would help sustain the portfolio. Enhance the value of Four Seasons reputation and brand name globally. Generate premium shareholder returns over the long term. Values: Consistently superior quality, exclusivity, a measure of enhanced social status, and a measure of the ability of a brand to make a customer "feel special". The Four Seasons' firmly believes in the golden rule, "treat others, how you would like to be treated". Portfolio The 1990's brought a new avenue of growth, the opening of the company's first destination resort, Four Seasons Resort Maui at Wailea, extending the company's unique approach to the leisure experience. An early pioneer of spa as an integral part of the luxury hotel experience, Four Seasons first introduced a full-service spa in 1986, at Four Seasons Resort and Club Dallas at Las Colinas. By 2001, every Four Seasons resort included a distinctive spa experience and every property worldwide offered on-site spa services.Four Seasons launched a new extension of its brand in 1997. Today, Four Seasons Residential Properties to provide full or fractional ownership of city and vacation homes in some of the most desirable locations around the world. Four Seasons Private Residences in San Francisco, Nevis - soon in Miami and Punta Mita - offer fully deeded hotel ownership of condominiums
Kant's Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals Essay
Kant's Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals - Essay Example attributes concerning this proposition, he specifically delineates immaturity as the initial stage at which an unenlightened man is to be found then only by finding courage with reason can an individual attain to the state of competence and abolish ignorance. Kant argues that â€Å"our will is good when it is determined by reason†and the courage serves as a fuel toward the execution of reason. On this ground, humans are summoned to acknowledge responsibility by way of paying courage worth on initiating to acquire the pertinent means to discern oneself and create appropriate ethical response to the world. The power of reason is crucial and Kant promotes it for the sake of enlightenment much as he adheres to the power of reason for the purpose of obeying the dictates of universal law. Reflecting after this regard, I believe that the philosopher in his time desires to bring across resolution to the chaotic nature of man under the governance of reasoning so that a man discovers the potential advantage of being rational. For one to realize the value attached with duty, Kant likely conveys the requirement to appreciate reason. Moreover, he seems to try to make sense of reason in the light of distinguishing an action that comes from the pure intention to perform duty from an action that emerges out of self-interest or inclination. Here, Kant calls for the need to understand how reason manages to sustain enlightenment in human and in turn, the enlightened condition naturally opts for a deed with moral quality. A man whose well-being has reached such an extent of intellect or thought can be expected to act based on the so-called ‘maxim’ with the basic principle that â€Å"the moral action is to do one’s duty†. This I suppose is equivalent to claiming that a morally conscious person is one who has been refined in the process of enlightenment out of which proceeds the imperative of goodwill. Practically speaking, our experience of the world reveals that it is
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Analysis of Financial Statements of Bogus Limited For the Year-ended Essay
Analysis of Financial Statements of Bogus Limited For the Year-ended 30 June 2004-2005 - Essay Example The firm's inventory turnover also shows net improvements in its efficiency. In terms of stability, although there is marked recovery in the leverage and liquidity ratios, Bogus Limited's debt ratios imply that the firm is still highly leveraged and may possibly encounter liquidity problems in the future as a result of its financial positioning. Given these outcomes, a potential shareholder is recommended to invest in the company and take advantage of the firm's bright earnings prospect. In light of the firm's highly-leveraged position, a potential creditor is recommended to prudently extend credit line to Bogus Limited. Prior to arriving at an investment decision, potential shareholders and creditors must initially analyse the financial position and health of a particular company. This report provides an overview of the financial standing of Bogus Limited as at year-end 30 June 2005. It intends to aid a potential shareholder in assessing the feasibility of investing in the company's stocks by reviewing the overall and per-share performance of the firm in the past two years. Moreover, this report aims to assist a potential creditor in evaluating the company's financial health by looking at the efficiency and stability of Bogus Limited as indicated by the liquidity, leverage and turnover ratios posted in the given period. Body of the Report Performance Based on the income statement of Bogus Limited for year-end 2005 and 2004, the firm's sales increased by 26% or $554.4 million, from $2,124.1 million to $2,678.5 million. This signals that the company has sustained its earnings growth from operations in the last two years. This assertion on the firm's profitability is supported by the net profit margin posted that rose to 13% as at year-end 30 June 2005 from 11% in the previous year. Although the company's cost of goods sold substantially increased resulting in lower gross profit margin, Bogus Limited is
Integration of personal and professional skills and discuss the value Research Paper
Integration of personal and professional skills and discuss the value of higher education in todays society - Research Paper Example The higher education provides so many opportunities to us students and therefore I will also examine some of those opportunities that are availed to us. It has been a long journey and I have also gained a lot from education and I will take this chance to provide reason to others as to why they should follow in my footsteps. In conclusion, learning is not a process that ends when one leaves school; I will be explaining what I will be doing in order to maintain a lifelong learning attitude. Learning is a long and tedious process that requires hard work and determination in order to succeed. Many people have talked about learning and how to succeed. It all begins with the individual’s inner drive to want to succeed. The individual then through motivation from within and the external environment tries to find ways that will make them succeed in learning. I am one such person that has had the inner drive until this last minute. I have engaged with my professors and my fellow students in finding the best ways to learn and succeed in life. The professors at this university have greatly contributed to my success up to this point in time. There are basic skills that I have acquired during this course and there are a few others that I have improved on. The first basic skill that I acquired is team work. I have learnt that a person does not exist alone and therefore he/she needs to mingle with people and find out how they do things so that you can borrow ideas from them or improve on what you already have. Team work is very important especially at the university. Most of the students are left on their own to conduct research and find solutions to problems that exist in the real world. An individual working on his/ or her own may find this work overwhelming especially when given many tasks that have strict deadlines. If such an individual and another formed a group to discuss the work, it will be very easy for them to complete the work. This is because they share
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Kant's Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals Essay
Kant's Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals - Essay Example attributes concerning this proposition, he specifically delineates immaturity as the initial stage at which an unenlightened man is to be found then only by finding courage with reason can an individual attain to the state of competence and abolish ignorance. Kant argues that â€Å"our will is good when it is determined by reason†and the courage serves as a fuel toward the execution of reason. On this ground, humans are summoned to acknowledge responsibility by way of paying courage worth on initiating to acquire the pertinent means to discern oneself and create appropriate ethical response to the world. The power of reason is crucial and Kant promotes it for the sake of enlightenment much as he adheres to the power of reason for the purpose of obeying the dictates of universal law. Reflecting after this regard, I believe that the philosopher in his time desires to bring across resolution to the chaotic nature of man under the governance of reasoning so that a man discovers the potential advantage of being rational. For one to realize the value attached with duty, Kant likely conveys the requirement to appreciate reason. Moreover, he seems to try to make sense of reason in the light of distinguishing an action that comes from the pure intention to perform duty from an action that emerges out of self-interest or inclination. Here, Kant calls for the need to understand how reason manages to sustain enlightenment in human and in turn, the enlightened condition naturally opts for a deed with moral quality. A man whose well-being has reached such an extent of intellect or thought can be expected to act based on the so-called ‘maxim’ with the basic principle that â€Å"the moral action is to do one’s duty†. This I suppose is equivalent to claiming that a morally conscious person is one who has been refined in the process of enlightenment out of which proceeds the imperative of goodwill. Practically speaking, our experience of the world reveals that it is
Integration of personal and professional skills and discuss the value Research Paper
Integration of personal and professional skills and discuss the value of higher education in todays society - Research Paper Example The higher education provides so many opportunities to us students and therefore I will also examine some of those opportunities that are availed to us. It has been a long journey and I have also gained a lot from education and I will take this chance to provide reason to others as to why they should follow in my footsteps. In conclusion, learning is not a process that ends when one leaves school; I will be explaining what I will be doing in order to maintain a lifelong learning attitude. Learning is a long and tedious process that requires hard work and determination in order to succeed. Many people have talked about learning and how to succeed. It all begins with the individual’s inner drive to want to succeed. The individual then through motivation from within and the external environment tries to find ways that will make them succeed in learning. I am one such person that has had the inner drive until this last minute. I have engaged with my professors and my fellow students in finding the best ways to learn and succeed in life. The professors at this university have greatly contributed to my success up to this point in time. There are basic skills that I have acquired during this course and there are a few others that I have improved on. The first basic skill that I acquired is team work. I have learnt that a person does not exist alone and therefore he/she needs to mingle with people and find out how they do things so that you can borrow ideas from them or improve on what you already have. Team work is very important especially at the university. Most of the students are left on their own to conduct research and find solutions to problems that exist in the real world. An individual working on his/ or her own may find this work overwhelming especially when given many tasks that have strict deadlines. If such an individual and another formed a group to discuss the work, it will be very easy for them to complete the work. This is because they share
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Changes in the Marketing Environment Essay Example for Free
Changes in the Marketing Environment Essay In recent times, from an economic environment perspective, people are getting more affluent, even in third world countries like Vietnam, the younger generation are more interested in spending on the latest fashion and gadgets, like iPods. Phone marketers might want to include phone designs which allow for self-expression, hence catering to the younger people seeking to carve out their own identity. For example, young girls in Japan like to stick many shiny crystals on their phones as they see it as a form of beautiful art. Phone marketers can cash in on this growing trend by offering phones which have suitable surfaces for crystal gluing, and they might want to also consider having a tie-up with a suitable bead company in order to have a package selling the crystals together with the phones. An important marketing strategy in catering to the changing political environment would be cause-marketing. It is by cause-marketing that phone marketers can reassure the public that they are socially responsible, even in the midst of increasing unethical behaviour existing in society. Cause marketing might be the determining factor which might set a phone or a brand of phones apart, especially if customers have the same perception of 2 brands of phones and are undecided which to choose. Phone marketers can follow Motorola’s lead whereby they produced a red â€Å"razr†phone to promote awareness of aids, which was highly successful. Another important marketing strategy is for the marketer to observe the changing demographic forces and decide which target group they can focus on in order to make the most profits. Quite a few countries in the world are facing an aging population, like Japan, China and Singapore. This might be a good target market to go into, by manufacturing phones which are suited for older people like by having larger screens and more user-friendly buttons. Technological forces are constantly changing, and a good marketer would be able to foresee what kinds of functions people might want in their phones. Marketers might want to research about what form of entertainment is capturing people and cater to these needs. Sony Ericsson realised that music was slowly becoming an integral part of people’s lives, no matter what age and produced the walkman phone series which was highly popular. The path to success and its maintenance depends very much on a phone marketer’s resellers and suppliers, hence phone marketers should engage in tie-ups with them both. A phone marketer’s resellers normally consist of telecommunications companies. Marketers can offer to sell their phones at a lower price to these companies, and in exchange, persuade them to offer more attractive or cheaper line subscription packages when customers purchase the phones of the marketers’. Marketers should constantly source for more efficient and cheaper suppliers and sign a long-term contract with them. Marketers might also want to consider suppliers based in China or India, as labour in such countries is known to be one of the cheapest, yet efficient, in the world. Lastly, marketers should always keep an eye out for competition and continually check on other phone marketers’ strategies and phone pricing. Marketers should also be aware that competition not only lies with other phone marketers, but in any company that has to do with providing entertainment or convenience to people. For example, Apple is not a phone manufacturer, but it is beginning to slowly capture the phone market due to its iPhone. Phone marketers might want to produce phones which have the capability to rival such phones, or if they are unable to do so run a major advertisement campaign to promote their phones against other rival phones, so as to hopefully mould the public’s thinking into their liking. Alternatively, phone marketers can also liaise with major entertainment companies like Apple or Creative to work together to produce quality phones or gadgets to capture a major share of the phone market.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Barbara Kruger Art Style Analysis
Barbara Kruger Art Style Analysis Barbara Kruger, an American graphic designer who brings to light modern day problems of society using her art as a message conveyer of society problems. Her artwork consists of various pictures spliced together and newspaper like letters as captions for what she is conveying. Her artwork unlike others doesnt immediately go into a museum or on a world tour instead its towards advertisement. This brings in more viewers and allows her to display what she what problems in society she wants to convey. Some of these artworks that bring to light issues are a picture of Adolf Hitler with his eyes blocked out and written on top of his photo the phrase If you dont control your mind someone else will, or the one I will be focusing on the most You are a captive audience. The first thing I want to bring up before I go into her work is shes seen as an artist with mixed reviews, because shes so open revealing political problems in the world. An article in The New York Times praises Barbara Kruger for using her art to bring attention to these issues but also criticizes it for sometimes sugarcoating things, thus losing its edge and full effect. The example used is her Your Body is a Battleground. It depicts a womans face in black and white showing it doesnt matter what race your body is still a battleground for what you choose to do. It was created to support the pro-choice belief of most feminists. It was an attempt to legalize abortions birth control and strengthen womens rights. Now from my perspective I dont think she sugarcoated this problem at all. In the text of the artwork it clearly states support legal abortion, birth control, womens rights. She wants us to know she stands for pro-choice womens rights and thinks it needs to put into the limeligh t and dodged around. Another example can come from You are a captive audience. This work of art pictures what I presume a man putting on his lovers finger a wedding ring. There is another version of it with dental work and a tooth being removed from a patient. This caption says people are so easily captivated by extreme versions of our emotions. The ring version shows how easily as a society people can be easily captured by emotions of joy and happiness. Now the same thing can be said with fear. The dental version shows the tooth being removed from a patient and without a numbing agent of some kind this would hurt a person quite a bit. People love emotions even the more dark and negative ones like horrified and disgusted. Going back to a previous artwork mentioned If you dont control your mind someone else will. This piece is rather dark if you think about it. Since its talking about someone controlling your mind which weve seen throughout history can happen if you choose not to think for yourself. To bring this up to the world you cant sugarcoat it especially using a figure the world revers as a symbol of dark times and tragedy. Barbara Kruger doesnt try to scare people with the phrases she uses but rather the phrases she uses can be moving. Using another work, she created which most of America knows as Your comfort is my silence. What makes this piece so moving is the simple fact of if your happy Im happy. No one can complain so someone elses comfort can be someone elses silence because they dont need to say anything to begin with. In an interview caption it says when someone asks someone what they think about Barbara Kruger they say she was obviously important during early 1980s but now she isnt so relevant and they cant name any of her more recent works. I once again disagree with this because she points out problems with modern day things to. Her work Remote Control points out how easily the society we live in has gone to basically machines doing everything for us. This is a pressing issue with the growing obesity in the nation among other things. With all this said I say Barbara Kruger is doing well with her art and is not sugarcoating anything and is taking a stand to reveal the problems of society in a memorable way. When someone judges her work, I think they need to realize the artwork she does is not for visual appeal as it is to make you think and realize what it means. Word Count 757 Works Cited Bishop, Claire. Interview With Barbara Kruger. MAKE Magazine, 9. Cottner, Holland. Art In Review. The New York Times, C29. Hagan, Charles. Barbara Kruger : Cover Girl. The New York Times, June 14, 1992, 82. Linker, Kate. Love For Sale. New York Times Book Review, 3.
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